How To Pay A Loan Through Sberbank Mobile Bank

How To Pay A Loan Through Sberbank Mobile Bank
How To Pay A Loan Through Sberbank Mobile Bank

Now more and more people use loans in everyday life. But it is not always possible to visit a credit institution, post office or bank for a monthly payment. In this case, there is a way out: the loan can be paid in the Sberbank Mobile Bank.

How to pay a loan through Sberbank Mobile Bank
How to pay a loan through Sberbank Mobile Bank

This loan payment option can only be used by people who use Sberbank debit or credit cards with a Mobile Bank connected to them. If you do not have it connected, then for this, contact the bank operator or visit the nearest branch. There, conclude an agreement, and the Mobile Bank will be connected to you.

Next, you should register in your personal account, come up with a username and password. There are many different options available in the Sberbank Mobile Bank, and one of them is the payment of a loan at any bank.


To do this, go to the "Transfers and Payments" menu. From the list of services provided, choose the section "Loan repayment in another bank". Next, a menu appears with the names of banks. If among them you did not find what you need, then select the item "Loans / Transfer to another bank by BIC". Then enter the BIC of the credit institution and you will be given the name of your bank. Be sure to check the information is correct.

After the BIC, you will also need to indicate the account number, contract number, last name, first name, patronymic and mobile phone number.

At the end, indicate the amount that is spelled out in your loan agreement and confirm the payment with a special code via SMS. By the way, when paying for a loan through Sberbank's Mobile Bank, a small commission is charged, equal to 1% of the loan amount.

There should not be any particular difficulties, you just need to carefully enter all the data and double-check it several times before sending it.

To repay a loan in Sberbank itself, go to the desired menu and enter the required amount for payment. All additional information will already be displayed on the screen, and you do not need to enter data. After confirming the payment, you will receive an SMS about the payment.

This method of loan payment allows you to save time and spend it for other purposes. At the same time, the commission will be significantly lower than if you paid at Russian Post offices or chain stores.
