How To Pay A Loan Through The Terminal

How To Pay A Loan Through The Terminal
How To Pay A Loan Through The Terminal

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In modern times, payment of a loan through the terminal is one of the ordinary operations in the life of those who decide to become a borrower of a particular bank. In fact, the absence of queues and the need to fill out receipts attracts many. It is enough just to dial the necessary combinations of numbers using the prompts on the terminal monitor and the task is completed. However, when repaying a loan through the terminal, you need to remember some important points.

How to pay a loan through the terminal
How to pay a loan through the terminal


Step 1

First of all, pay attention to the date of the transaction indicated on the terminal. Even if it is indicated that the payment is credited to your account instantly, do not take our word for it. There are situations when it takes from five minutes to several days. Therefore, in order to protect yourself, pay the loan through the terminal in advance with a margin of 3-5 days. This will help you avoid bank fines and interest.

Step 2

Be sure to check how correctly you enter the data and how accurately the terminal interprets it. Remember that not only people can be wrong, but also machines. And always keep your receipt as your guarantee in case of any irregularities.

Step 3

It is better to make large payments through the terminals of large networks or banks. If you do not have this opportunity, then test the existing system. To do this, first pay a small amount of money and carefully study the check issued by the terminal. It must contain information about the company (name, TIN, legal address and telephone), terminal number, payer's account number, check number, date and time of the operation, the amount of the deposited amount and the amount of the commission. If this information is present on the check, then you can safely trust the terminal and pay the rest of the loan.

Step 4

For the convenience and speed of service, many terminals charge a fee in the form of commissions. For example, if it is 6%, then out of 1000 rubles entered into the bill acceptor, 940 rubles will be transferred to the bank account. Therefore, in order to avoid misunderstandings when paying for the loan through the terminal, pay the amount taking into account the amount of the commission. Remember also that the terminals do not give change.

Step 5

The use of terminal operations is governed by certain rules that are drawn up by their owners. Therefore, before paying the loan, carefully read the information that is placed on the terminal display.
