How To Pay A Loan At Setelem Bank Through Sberbank Online

How To Pay A Loan At Setelem Bank Through Sberbank Online
How To Pay A Loan At Setelem Bank Through Sberbank Online

Applying for a loan at a particular bank does not mean at all that it must be repaid right there. This can be done through another financial organization, for example, to pay a loan at Setelem Bank through Sberbank Online.

How to pay a loan at Setelem Bank through Sberbank Online
How to pay a loan at Setelem Bank through Sberbank Online

Features of loan repayment

To pay for a loan drawn up in Setelem Bank, in another banking institution, it is not necessary to be a client of the latter. It is enough to know the details for making a payment, with which you can contact any existing credit organization, including Sberbank. However, only if there is a client agreement with the latter, it will be possible to go through the procedure of debt repayment in a simplified mode using the Sberbank Online service.

To get started, find out the number of the credit account or card, the frequency and amount of payments on the loan, taking into account the accrued interest. All this must be indicated in the agreement concluded with the credit institution. If you lose the document containing the schedule and details for payments, contact the nearest Setelem Bank branch with your passport and request a duplicate. Here you can also get a printed TIN, BIK and other details of the organization, which will be needed when contacting another bank.

Making payments at a bank branch

If you are not a client of Sberbank, visit one of its branches and tell the cashier that you want to make a payment on a loan received from another bank (Cetelem). Show your passport, original or a copy of the loan agreement (account or card details) certified by the bank's seal. Also transfer cash in the right amount to pay off the debt.

After transferring funds to the client's account in another bank, the cashier will issue a check, which must be collected: it will act as proof of the payment made if the funds for any reason do not arrive on the credit account or card. The duration of the transfer is from one to five working days, which must also be taken into account in order to avoid delays in the payment of the loan.

If you wish, you can make a payment Payment through an ATM of Sberbank, which can also be done without being a client of the organization. To transfer, you will need a debit or salary card, which you need to place in the device and enter the menu by entering your personal pin code. On the main page, go to the "Transfers and Payments" section. Next, you need to select the item "Payment of loans in other institutions" and find Setelem Bank in the list that opens. Enter the required amount and confirm the withdrawal of funds, not forgetting to receive a check.

Loan payment through "Sberbank Online"

If you have a valid service agreement with Sberbank, you can repay loans in other organizations through the Sberbank Online website ( There are many advantages of using this service. This saves time by allowing you to make payments from home and without having to visit the Sberbank office in person. In addition, all operations are performed with the user's personal confirmation of all data, which minimizes any errors.

Log in to your personal account using the login and password received at the bank. Go to the "Transfers" section and select the function of paying for loans in other institutions. Next, you need to indicate Cetelem Bank in the list of organizations and start filling out the payment order. At the same time, users of the Sberbank Online service are given the opportunity to choose an account or card from which funds will be debited. Confirm the transfer using SIS verification.

Also, Sberbank customers can connect and configure the Auto Payment function using the mobile or computer version of the service. It is available in the main menu of the site. It is enough to indicate the frequency and amount of the payment, fill in its details, and the funds will be automatically debited in favor of repaying the loan at Setelem Bank.
