How To Get A Loan Without Proof Of Income

How To Get A Loan Without Proof Of Income
How To Get A Loan Without Proof Of Income

Let's say you urgently need money. They are so badly needed that you are ready to go to the bank, take money on credit and pay considerable interest. You have the ability to make your loan payments on time. But there is one "but" - you cannot document your solvency in any way.

How to get a loan without proof of income
How to get a loan without proof of income

Today in Russia there is a large group of solvent citizens who cannot officially confirm the presence of permanent income. It would not be reasonable on the part of banking organizations to lose such an extensive sector of the domestic credit market.

Most bank loan programs are not available to citizens whose income cannot be verified. Still, there are special offers from banks available to such people. More specifically, there are three types of loan offers:

a) Credit cards

Without a certificate of income, you can get a credit card with a credit limit of 100 to 300 thousand. 300 thousand is the limit. In this case, the bank may request documents indirectly confirming the client's presence of money. These can be documents for real estate that is owned by the client - a land plot, an apartment, a summer residence. Or a document confirming the ownership of a car - a vehicle passport. They may be asked to show statements of a deposit account, which contains a substantial amount of money, or documents confirming a recent foreign trip.

b) POS - a loan - a loan for the purchase of goods, which is issued by a bank representative right at the point of sale - a store. At the same time, the obligatory presentation of a certificate of income is often not required, a passport is enough. According to the client, the bank employee writes down information about the place of work, the telephone number of the employing organization, the telephone number of a relative or friend of the client. The maximum loan amount for this type of consumer lending is not high - 80 thousand rubles, the interest on the loan is high, higher than for other types of consumer lending, the loan term is up to three years.

c) Loan with financial security (collateral). The collateral can be an apartment, a summer residence, a car or other transport, jewelry, expensive equipment of the client. This type of loan is distinguished by relatively low interest rates. But there is a risk of losing property in case of financial problems.

When applying for a loan, you must provide documents confirming the right to the actual subject of the pledge.

Residential real estate - a house, an apartment - is accepted as collateral only if no one is registered in it.

As you can see, the choice of offers from the bank is not rich and not suitable for everyone. But without official confirmation of income, you cannot count on anything more.
