How To Get A Loan From Sberbank Without Income Certificates

How To Get A Loan From Sberbank Without Income Certificates
How To Get A Loan From Sberbank Without Income Certificates

Situations when money is needed urgently, and the salary is not yet soon, arise quite often. In such cases, one of the ways to resolve the issue is to apply for a loan. A number of banks provide an opportunity to receive it via the Internet. Such a service is provided, for example, by Sberbank.


Who can get a loan

There are several options to borrow money from Sberbank. You can apply for a credit card or get borrowed funds on a debit card. Moreover, in the second case, the money can be credited to the account on the same day. To obtain a loan, you must meet a number of requirements: be over 18 years old, have a permanent source of income and work experience of at least 3-6 months, depending on whether the borrower receives a salary to an account with Sberbank or not.

How to get a loan for any purpose

If the borrower has an account with Sberbank, uses a debit card, then you can apply for a loan online. To do this, in your personal account, you must select the "loans" section, fill out a questionnaire and wait for the bank's decision. The questions are traditional: has the last name changed, is the borrower officially married, have dependents, have property (apartments, cars, etc.), official place of work, seniority, position, income (active and passive), etc. Decision the bank accepts during the day. If the employee considering the application has any questions, the bank can call the borrower to clarify them. Most often they call from the security service, check the information for compliance with reality. Experience shows that credit is also approved for “remote workers”. The main thing is to have an official income, i.e. so that tax deductions go.

Crediting money to the account

Sberbank customers need only have a valid debit card to receive a loan online. After the approval of the loan by the bank and the electronic consent of the borrower (by entering the code received via SMS in the online application form), funds are credited to the card instantly. If the insurance function has been selected, the amount of the insurance premium will be deducted from the card after the entire amount has been credited.

Loan payment

You can return credit funds, as well as in other banks, online. For this, according to the schedule, a certain amount is debited every month (depending on the size and term of the loan). You can repay the loan ahead of schedule in full or in part.

Loan refinancing

If there are several loans taken from Sberbank and they are all at a different percentage (the maximum possible number is 5), then you can ask the bank for refinancing. After clarifying the details, the credit organization will most likely meet the borrower halfway and approve a new (single) rate for all loans, combining it into one.


To apply for an online loan at Sberbank, personal presence is not required (all documents are "signed" electronically), and income certificates are not required. In addition, you do not need guarantors and you can choose the loan amount (but not less than 30 thousand rubles) and its validity period yourself.
