Despite the fact that securities have long been used as a means of generating additional income and attracting investments, many people still know little about how to make money from them. It is not enough to know the basics of speculation; you need to clearly define for yourself what to do with stocks in order to get the maximum effect from them.

A share is a security issued by an organization secured by a certain property and with the aim of attracting additional investments.
If you are lucky enough to become the owner of the shares, then you have two options: receive dividends from them or sell them. In the first case, you will receive a certain percentage of the annual profit. However, if you are not the owner of a large package of securities, then this amount is so insignificant that in some cases it may not even be taken into account. In the case of the sale of the stock, you can earn much more.
There are two ways to sell securities. The first is to search for stock buy advertisements. Such messages can be found on the Internet, in newspapers, as well as near large industrial facilities. As a rule, the purpose of such a mass acquisition is to acquire a controlling stake, which will allow you to perform certain actions with the enterprise.
The most popular way to make money on stocks is trading on special exchanges. In this case, most often, the owners of shares entrust the sale and purchase of a trusted person. To do this, you need to contact a trusted brokerage company, conclude an agreement with it and draw up your orders regarding the circulation of shares. The broker, in turn, provides you with the opportunity to enter the stock market and facilitates relationships with trading participants.
It is worth noting that in the case of selling a share or receiving dividends, you generate a certain income, which, according to the law, is taxed at a rate of 13%. Retain all documents that may prove your expenses related to the action of the shares. In some cases, the brokerage company takes over the payment of tax, so before filing the declaration, ask them this moment.