How To Create And Promote A Brand

How To Create And Promote A Brand
How To Create And Promote A Brand

The creation and promotion of a brand of a manufacturer of products is an extremely relevant topic. Competent promotion of the company's brand will increase the number of consumers and, accordingly, sales volumes.

How to create and promote a brand
How to create and promote a brand

Types of products and consumers

The development of a strategy for creating a brand directly depends on what products need to be promoted, because a brand is a complex and unique image of a manufacturing company.

All products can be divided into two components: consumer and industrial.

Consumer products consist of primary and secondary necessities. Essential products have a short turnover period and constant demand (hygiene products, medicines, food, household chemicals). Secondary products have a longer turnover, a longer service life and are in little demand (cars, electronic and household appliances).

Industrial products are also divided into two groups - one-off and systematic services. Thus, the purchase of a cargo crane or the construction of a building is a one-time service, and its maintenance is systematic.

Brand promotion methods

When choosing methods and means of promoting products, it is necessary to take into account the types of consumers of the final product. For example, bakery products are targeted at the mass consumer, while jewelry is targeted at a specific group of people. Accordingly, the creation and promotion of brands in these cases will be different. An equally important role in promoting the product is played by the average status of the final consumer, his lifestyle, financial position, age, social status.

When promoting an industrial brand, it is important to take into account the needs of the business for which the brand is designed - who has the final say in choosing a particular product, what goals the end consumer of services sets for himself and the company.

The most effective way to promote a product is considered to be advertising on television and in the periodical specialized press, with the help of which it is possible to convey information to the widest circle of consumers. But if a brand has a highly focused specialization, then advertising on television is not entirely suitable for this purpose. In this case, targeted contact is required. These are Internet mailings to potential consumers, direct mailing of leaflets. It will also be very effective to create a specialized resource on the Internet, which is directly related to the brand manufacturer.

Whichever method of brand promotion is chosen, it is important to remember the main task of the brand - to create a positive image of the organization in a potential consumer in relation to the planned pricing policy.
