How To Identify A Revision

How To Identify A Revision
How To Identify A Revision

Table of contents:


Auditing is one of the methods of financial control that allows you to check the legality and validity of business transactions performed at the enterprise. In the course of the audit, the correctness of the financial statements and the legality of the actions of the employees of the organization responsible for its preparation are studied.

How to identify a revision
How to identify a revision


Step 1

Remember that the audit procedure is strictly regulated by law. Its implementation may be unexpected for the audited persons, which means that, thanks to the audit, it is possible to obtain the most objective information about the activities of the enterprise. The audit is carried out quickly, otherwise you may run into a hiding place for disruptions in the work of the firm. The information obtained during the audit is confidential, which means it is not subject to disclosure and must be kept confidential.

Step 2

Please note that there are several types of revisions. In terms of content, they are divided into documentary and factual. During a documentary audit, you will have to check various financial documents: invoices, checks, invoices, estimates, reports, etc. If you need to check the actual existence of values, then we are talking about the actual revision. With this type of audit, an inventory is organized, the condition of warehouses is checked, the calculations and weighing of commodity values are made.

Step 3

You can inform the head of the organization in advance about the upcoming audit. In this case, a planned audit takes place. If necessary, unscheduled audits are carried out. As a rule, this is done in the case of signals of violations of financial discipline that require immediate investigation.

Step 4

In addition, there are frontal and custom revisions. With a frontal audit, you should check all the accounts of the firm for a certain period. Selective audit is an audit of the activities of an enterprise for a certain, usually short period of time.

Step 5

Remember that, depending on the scope of the audited activity, audits are complex, in which the financial activities of the enterprise are checked in various areas, and thematic, when any one area of activity is examined (for example, the correctness of the calculation and payment of taxes).
