Having opened a retail point of sale of beauty products in a city with a population of one million, you will almost certainly have to compete with large chain stores. In the same settlements where "networkers" have not yet penetrated, the audience of potential customers may not be large enough. But if you still think that there are chances of success, first of all, to open a cosmetics store, you need to perform the following steps.

It is necessary
- 1. Premises (own or rented)
- 2. Accessories for interior decoration and commercial equipment
- 3. Sales staff
- 4. Package of documents
Step 1
Decide which class of cosmetics will be most in demand by the potential customer audience of your store. It will depend on the level of the product and the suppliers you choose not only what kind of premises, but also what kind of personnel you should select. Keep in mind that not all categories of the population will want and will be able to buy “premium” class (or otherwise “selective” cosmetics), but products designed for the general public almost always find their customers.
Step 2
Find a spacious room on the ground floor of a building, such as a converted apartment. In some cases, it is also advisable to rent an area in a shopping center. It should be borne in mind that distributors of "selective" products, before starting to cooperate with you, will definitely appreciate what premises for the sale of cosmetics are at your disposal.
Step 3
Develop, together with a professional designer, an interior design project for your future cosmetics store. It is impossible to save on the quality and appearance of commercial equipment, beauty and unity of style for the successful sale of perfumery and cosmetics are indispensable. It would also be nice to use the services of a merchandising specialist for window dressing.
Step 4
Pay enough attention to the selection of sales personnel, do not treat this matter as a secondary matter. Experienced sales consultants make cosmetics sales much more efficient. It will be a great success if you manage to "pick up" employees of a store of a similar profile, which recently closed or underwent a "downsizing" of the staff.
Step 5
Take care in a timely manner to collect the package of documents as soon as possible - formal procedures in licensing organizations can "stretch" for a long time. If possible, you can entrust the preparation of the necessary documentation to a third-party legal services firm.