How To Draw Up A Business Plan For The Production Of Souvenirs

How To Draw Up A Business Plan For The Production Of Souvenirs
How To Draw Up A Business Plan For The Production Of Souvenirs

Souvenirs are always in great demand, especially during the holidays. Before you start producing souvenirs, you need to develop a business plan. This will allow you to assess the profitability and prospects of this business, and will also help in obtaining a loan from a bank.

How to draw up a business plan for the production of souvenirs
How to draw up a business plan for the production of souvenirs

If a business plan is made for personal use in order to understand the prospects for the production of souvenirs and assess the possible profit, then you can use a typical structure. If a business plan is being developed for obtaining a bank loan for the implementation of an investment project, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the content requirements that are presented by a commercial organization. Each bank has its own recommended business plan structure.

The typical structure of a business plan includes a number of sections.

Business plan summary

This section traditionally opens any business plan, but it is written at the end. The resume contains a general description of the production concept, the purpose of opening this business, as well as the most important financial indicators: financial resources, payback, profitability.

In this section, it is necessary to describe the features of the souvenirs produced and their advantages over their counterparts on the market. You need to decide which factors will guarantee the success of your enterprise.

The section may contain information about the social significance of the project. For example, when opening a business for the production of souvenirs using ancient technology, traditional for the region.

Characteristics of the souvenir business

The section contains a general description of the souvenir business. The proposed assortment of production is described here, which it is desirable to allocate to separate groups. For example, business souvenirs, oriental souvenirs, national souvenirs, home decorations, etc. The business profile also contains information about target groups of consumers and their potential demand for products.

In addition, a justification of the chosen pricing strategy is carried out, as well as ways of detaching from competitors.

Analysis of the business environment of the organization

In this section, it is necessary to analyze the state of the souvenir market. Its regional coverage will depend on the geography of sales: do you plan to sell exclusively in Russia or also plan to ship to foreign markets.

The analysis of the business environment should contain such indicators as the volume and dynamics of the market, factors affecting its development, characteristics of consumers and the competitive environment, development forecasts in the medium term.

It is worth evaluating both the dynamics of the aggregate souvenir market and its target segment. For example, how the business souvenir market developed in relation to souvenir sales. If it showed dynamics below the market average, then this segment can hardly be considered promising.

In this section, you need to define your competitors and determine the distribution of market shares between them.

It is on the basis of the analysis of the business environment that you can predict your own market share, and, accordingly, the sales volume.

Marketing plan

The business plan pays special attention to the marketing plan. This should contain the strategy and tactics of the company's marketing policy, which should be based on consumer analysis.

The choice of marketing communication channels depends on the marketing policy of the enterprise. If it focuses on the sale of souvenirs between large wholesale suppliers, then it is advisable to promote goods through specialized exhibitions and conferences, use direct marketing technology. If the enterprise develops its own retail shops selling souvenirs, then mass communication channels are selected - the media, the Internet.

Based on the selected communication channels, a marketing budget is planned and distributed.

Production and organizational plan

The production plan describes the characteristics of the equipment that is planned to be used in the production process, namely, its cost, power, energy consumption and other characteristics that determine fixed and variable costs.

If you plan to produce souvenirs manually, you need to calculate the consumption of materials that will form the cost of souvenirs.

An organizational plan contains the production structure of a business organization. It describes the main departments of the future enterprise and their functions, coordination between departments, management structure, automation of the management system.

Financial plan

This section calculates financial indicators that answer key management and investor questions. Based on the calculations, managers can learn about the size of the potential profit from the production of souvenirs, and the investor - about the borrower's ability to service the debt. Among the analyzed indicators are net profit, break-even point, payback period, rate of return, etc.

The calculation is based on projected costs and a sales plan. The number of costs includes a group of fixed and variable costs. These are the costs of purchasing equipment and furniture, renting a production facility, costs of raw materials and semi-finished products, costs of personnel salaries, electricity, depreciation, etc.

The sales plan is drawn up based on the company's projected market share as well as production capacity. It is analyzed in value (taking into account the selling price) and in physical terms.

There are specialized programs that help automate all calculations. All you need to do is set the initial parameters.

As a rule, three business development scenarios are analyzed - basic, optimistic and pessimistic. They contain indicators of the volume of sales of souvenirs under the planned development of the business environment, as well as under the influence of stimulating or constraining factors. The business plan should contain an analysis of the sensitivity of the performance indicators of the investment project based on the risks inherent in the project.
