More and more often our compatriots go abroad. At the same time, they both import into the country and export various things and money. But when crossing the border, there are customs rules for the import and export of baggage, including money. They must be taken into account in order not to be fined at customs. In certain cases, it is necessary to declare the funds that you have with you, including foreign currency. How can this be done?

It is necessary
- - currency for declaration;
- - international passport.
Step 1
Check if the amount you are importing or exporting needs to be declared. Only cash and traveler's checks are subject to declaration; there can be any amount of money on the bank card that you take out - this will not interest the customs. In addition, amounts up to ten thousand US dollars or their equivalent in the currency of another state are not subject to declaration.
Step 2
If you are carrying more than 10 thousand dollars, declare it. To do this, go to the "red corridor" of the customs, intended for those who declare their luggage. Take the declaration form at a special counter or from a customs officer.
Step 3
Fill out the form according to the rules. It consists of a main and an additional one - you need to fill in both. Fill out the declaration in duplicate. In the first paragraph, indicate your personal information - last name, first name, patronymic, address, passport data. Next, write down the amount that you bring in or out of the country. If this is not your money, it should also be noted, indicating the person or organization - the owner of the money.
Step 4
In the next paragraph, indicate where you got these funds and how you plan to spend them. Information is indicated briefly. Also indicate where you came from and by what means of transport.
Step 5
After successful completion, sign both copies of the declaration, put the date of completion on them and go to the customs officer at the entrance to the "red corridor". He will advise you on your next steps.
Step 6
After passing through customs, do not forget to pick up your copy of the declaration with the customs mark. From this moment on, the funds will be considered officially declared.