Working on a book takes a lot of time and requires a lot of mental and sometimes psychological costs. However, having finished the manuscript, the novice author is faced with a new problem: how to profitably sell the result of his labor.

It is necessary
- - a book ready for publication;
- - Internet.
Step 1
Explore the publishing market. To do this, it is best to use the Internet, since all publishers have their own sites. On publishing resources, check out the For Authors or Novice Authors section in detail. Typically, publishing requirements for manuscripts and genres of works are published here, which are accepted for consideration.
Step 2
Customize your manuscript to fit your publisher's requirements. Aspiring authors have almost no chance of publishing a collection of stories or poems, so it's best to prepare a novel for publication. The size of the manuscript, as a rule, should be no less than 12 and no more than 15 author's sheets (author's sheet - 40 thousand printed characters with spaces). Publishers are more willing to accept works by novice authors if they fit into the framework of existing book series, for example, "Humorous Science Fiction", "Adventure Novel", "Crime Melodrama".
Step 3
Write a synopsis of your manuscript. A synopsis is a 1-2 page summary of the content of a novel. It is on the basis of the synopsis that the publishing house will decide on further consideration of your novel. You can also write an abstract of your work, if there is a similar requirement on the publisher's website. The abstract should describe the content of the book in several sentences and encourage the reader to read it.
Step 4
Prepare your manuscript file for mailing. Complete all text formatting requirements listed on publishing sites. You may need to create several versions of the book file to send to various publishers.
Step 5
Write cover letters to publishers. In the letter, provide brief information about yourself (age, education, occupation) and write a few words about your book. Indicate the genre and size of your work, as well as its target audience: children, youth, middle-aged women, etc.
Step 6
Send letters with manuscript and synopsis files attached to publishers. You can call the publishers using the phone numbers on the websites to make sure your manuscript has been received. Please be patient and wait for the publisher's response. If one or several publishers want to publish your work, carefully study the texts of the agreements and choose the most favorable option for you.