How To Change Employee Salaries In ZUP 3.1

How To Change Employee Salaries In ZUP 3.1
How To Change Employee Salaries In ZUP 3.1

Changing the salaries of employees is a regular procedure at any enterprise. For this, the program "1C: Salary and Human Resources Management, version 3" provides a special sequence of actions. In addition, it is important to know that in order to design this innovation, it is necessary to be guided by personnel documents.

Changing salaries to employees in ZUP 3.1 can be done very quickly and conveniently
Changing salaries to employees in ZUP 3.1 can be done very quickly and conveniently

List of documents allowing to change the salaries of employees

Personnel translation. This order for the enterprise determines the transfer of an employee to another position, which is associated with a new work schedule, division, etc. To do this, in the ZUP 3.1 program, you need to put a checkmark in front of the line “Change accruals” in “Remuneration”, and also set the size of the new salary.

Change in wages. The document is individual in nature and refers to a specific employee. It is formed in the "Salary" section by setting a special value "Change in remuneration" in the "Change in employee pay".

Change in planned charges. The order provides for the establishment of new charges for the entire labor collective or a group of employees. In addition, guided by this document, it is possible to carry out the indexation of wages for all employees of the enterprise. It is necessary to carry out the following manipulations: "Salary" "Change in employee pay" - "Change of planned charges".

Indexation of salaries. The personnel document is provided exclusively for the recalculation of the salaries of the entire labor collective. Despite the fact that after the appearance in version ZUP 3.1.3 of the possibility of using the document "Change in planned charges" for these purposes, "Indexation of wages" can still be used. To do this, in the "Salary" menu through the "Navigation settings" you need to add a link to this document.

Sequence of actions in ZUP 3.1

Change of salaries in the staffing table. To do this, you must use the document "Change of staffing", which can be accessed through "Personnel". Next, you need to perform the following manipulations:

- the "Change position" button allows you to manually enter new salary values;

- the button "Fill in indicators" allows you to automatically change salaries, taking into account general patterns (indexing coefficients).

Formation of the document "Change of planned charges". This option for changing the salaries of employees is acceptable in cases where the company does not have a staffing history or it does not exist at all. The creation of a document involves the following sequence of actions:

- option number 1 - in the document "Change of staffing" you need to press the button "Change employee accruals";

- option number 2 - "Salary" - "Change in employee remuneration" - " Change in planned charges ".

Filling in the columns of the document "Change of planned charges". These actions are relevant only when generating this document manually. The "Selection" button is pressed to fill in the data for a group of employees, and the "Fill" button is pressed for the entire labor collective.

Changing the size of the salary. Performed provided that the document "Change of planned charges" was also generated manually. New values are entered separately for all employees. And if there is general indexing (there is a regularity), you should use the "Fill in indicators" option. To do this, check the box in the "Salary" column, and set the appropriate coefficient in the "Multiply by" line. The button "Information about payroll and charges" allows you to check the tabular data on changes in the salaries of all employees.

Indexation of salaries. To do this, it is necessary to enable the function “Consider as indexation of earnings” in the document “Change of planned charges” with a special checkbox. Indexation of earnings will also be clearly expressed in the documents "Vacation" and in the printed form "Calculation of average earnings".
