Tired of working for their bosses and fulfilling all of their sometimes unreasonable requirements, many come to the need to run their own business. Before registering a company or individual entrepreneur in Belarus, you need to find out the specifics of the procedures so that later you do not have problems with the tax.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - application for registration;
- - charter;
- - photos;
- - a receipt for payment of the state duty.
Step 1
If you decide to become an individual entrepreneur, the first thing you should do is contact the executive committee located in your place of residence. You need to take with you an application for registration (when filling it out, you will need a social security number, so do not forget to clarify it), a passport, a 4x6 or 3x4 photo and a receipt for payment of the state fee. You can pay the fee at the nearest bank or post office.
Step 2
Ten minutes after submitting the application, you will be given a certificate of state registration and a referral to the tax office. The tax office will explain to you all the intricacies of taxation related to your activity. There you can also buy tear-off coupons and start doing your business on the same day.
Step 3
Please note that you do not even need to open an IP to conduct some activities. For example, if you are doing something that falls under the decree "On some issues of the implementation of craft activities by individuals" - knitting or embroidery, then you need to register as an artisan and pay a single tax once a year. Also, a simplified taxation system exists for persons selling agricultural products grown on their land.
Step 4
An individual entrepreneur has the right to hire three employees from among the next of kin. If you plan to employ more people in your activities, you will have to open your own company. To do this, you will also have to contact the executive committee. You will need a passport, an application, a receipt for payment of the state duty and a charter with you. If all the documents you brought are in order, you will be registered on the same day. This list of documents is not suitable only for banks and pawnshops - the process of their registration is more complicated.