In the current economic activities of the organization, there is a need to regulate any area. To develop a position means to determine the sequence of actions, the procedure for carrying out the operation. The Regulation, like any local normative act, applies to all employees of the organization, regardless of the place of work (being on a business trip, working in a branch).

Step 1
Determine the specific goals of creating a local act, to which relations will be applied.
Step 2
Determine the regulations in force in this area. The document must not contradict the norms of the law. The regulation does not establish new rules, it clarifies the content of legislative acts in relation to the specifics of a particular organization.
Step 3
The structure of the position is:
- details of the document: information about the official who approved the regulation, his registration number, alphanumeric code, the logo of the organization, date of adoption and implementation, name.
- the text itself, which reflects the goals and directions of activity, establishes clear mechanisms, competence, rights, obligations, responsibility of those persons who are covered by the document.
- validity period, procedure for its extension, amendments.
Step 4
Draw up attachments to the document. Forms and application forms, structural diagrams, tables, coefficients can be approved here.
Step 5
Attach the approval sheet and the order to put the document into effect.