Surely most people dream of starting their own business and working exclusively for themselves, and not "for an uncle." However, the statistics are such that only two or three people out of ten can achieve success in business.

The most important thing that prevents a person from becoming successful and financially independent is his stereotypes, which have accumulated over the years. Self-doubt and fear are what anyone who wants to develop business skills should get rid of. You need to understand that everyone has an entrepreneurial streak, you just need to be able to develop it and learn to comply with the basic principles of a business person.
Self-reliance and intrinsic motivation
A person who wants to develop the qualities of a businessman must learn to be independent in material terms. Even if at first things are not going as well as you would like, you should not ask for financial help from relatives and friends, but you should make every effort to “stay afloat” solely on your own.
Every aspiring entrepreneur should learn to see the incentives to further promote their business. Internal freedom, unlimited income, meeting and communicating with interesting people is a great motivation for new achievements.
Creativity and leadership
A business person should be able to think creatively and look for non-standard approaches to solving both simple and most complex problems. A successful businessman is always obliged to personify a generator of ideas, fresh and original solutions. He must learn to concentrate the attention of others on his person, surprise and stand out among the "gray mass".
Every businessman is, first of all, a leader, even if he has one or two people subordinate to him. Of course, it is necessary to develop leadership qualities in oneself, and for this it is very important to believe in the prospects of your business, have inspiration, and have a strong energy. The leader must be an authority for his subordinates, a person who is valued and respected for his professional and personal qualities.
Self-discipline is one of the most basic qualities for all business people without exception, since possession of it is the key to successful business.
The ability to be collected, to plan a strategy for the development of your business project, to have time to solve all the accumulated issues, to effectively manage your time - these are the key points on which you need to focus special attention for everyone who wants to develop business skills.