How To Develop Your Company

How To Develop Your Company
How To Develop Your Company

Table of contents:


If you are tired of working for a stranger and decided to open your own company, then you have taken the very first step on the path to prosperity and success. Now is the time to actively develop your company. And this step must be confident and competent.

How to develop your company
How to develop your company


Step 1

Pick a team yourself. Conduct various tests, interviews and questionnaires before hiring a person. Better accept people without bad habits. After you have selected the entire team, conduct educational trainings or courses.

Step 2

Until the firm develops, personally supervise the work of each employee. Be present at their work more often. Establish a procedure for each employee to submit weekly progress reports. If you see that one of the employees does not work, reprimand, warn that the next one will be entered in the work book.

Step 3

If you have a sales team, monitor it regularly. Every manager should spend most of his time looking for clients. Install a recording device on your phones, compare the number of calls actually made with the number of calls in reports. Selectively wiretap telephone conversations. Sales managers must work proactively with each client and also avoid mistakes in conversation.

Step 4

Place advertisements or mentions about your business on all free resources. Create groups on social networks, post advertisements on free online boards, post printed advertisements on poles (this work can be done by your subordinates). Even if you don't see the benefit of such actions, follow them. Your task is to improve brand awareness.

Step 5

Receive commercial offers from advertising firms. Choose the most profitable of them and conclude a contract. Do not invest large amounts at once, first check what the profitability will be.

Step 6

If you are in the goods or services of mass demand, recruit a small staff of promoters for a part-time job. Do not contact specialized firms, because there you will pay a lot more money. Print out small coupons that give you a discount on your product. Put promoters on crowded streets to hand out these coupons. This type of advertising requires a small investment, but the influx of customers because of it increases very quickly.

Step 7

Come up with a motivation system for your clients. For example, additional delivery services, a permanent discount or price reduction when purchasing a certain amount of purchased goods. Make them your regular partners.
