How To Get Money To Develop Your Own Business

How To Get Money To Develop Your Own Business
How To Get Money To Develop Your Own Business

Starting a business with borrowed funds is impractical, taking the last penny from a family is unreasonable. Where to get money to start a new business? Today the state takes the side of novice entrepreneurs and offers a number of tools for financial support for business.

How to get money to develop your own business
How to get money to develop your own business

The statement is absolutely correct. According to various sources, from 52 to 70% of startups close in the first two years of their existence, the risk increases when using borrowed funds. That is why banks do not lend to companies less than 3 years old, because it is difficult and expensive to collect funds from a bankrupt company.

However, this does not mean that the situation is hopeless. In 2015, the government finally considered the economic benefits of developing small and medium-sized businesses in the country and offered small businesses a number of government support programs.

Where to get money

It should be noted that financial support instruments are one of the smallest. Probably the principle of "make it yourself" worked! The principle is correct for any entrepreneur, otherwise you should not start your own business.

For those who are just thinking about starting, we offer free training programs in the basics of doing business. As a result of any such program, the future entrepreneur defends his business idea and draws up a business plan under the supervision of trainers. It is important! Only with a developed and calculated business plan does it make sense to contact entrepreneurship support bodies.

Employment Service

If there is no money at all, and the idea is potentially profitable and has a payback period of no more than three years, you can contact the employment service, which implements a program for the development of self-employment.

Having successfully presented a business plan, a startup has the opportunity to receive a subsidy (not a loan!) Of about 65,000 rubles for starting a business. You will have to account for every penny, but if there is no money at all, but you have to work, it is quite tolerable.

Business incubator

Already registered entrepreneurs of any form of ownership can apply for residency in business incubators. As a rule, such incubators are independent legal entities, but it happens that they are included in the business support system and are part of funds for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as, for example, in the Altai Territory. It's comfortable.

The incubator itself does not distribute money, but it owns premises that it leases out to entrepreneurs on preferential terms significantly lower than the market value. In addition, the incubator employees, according to their responsibilities, must provide comprehensive support to the startup and do everything to ensure that it reaches the planned indicators.


However, everything here depends on the competence of the incubator's employees, and, frankly, she is often lame, because few of them know something about business outside of theory.

Where is the real money in the incubator? Investors. In terms of its functions, the incubator should contribute, among other things, to attracting investors to work on incubated startups. This work is laborious, and most importantly mentally difficult, so few people do it. Moreover, there is a widespread opinion among the leaders of these same incubators that investing in startups is evil, because any investor only wants to absorb a promising idea from a resident. Where does this opinion come from? See the point above!

For example, the business incubator did not give birth to a living investment project in the same Altai company, things are a little better in the neighboring Novosibirsk region, but the most "working" incubators are in Chelyabinsk and Kazan.


Local government agencies are involved in grant support for business. Most often, these functions belong to the Ministries of Economy, Entrepreneurship, similar committees and departments.

It is not easy to get a grant, besides, if you look at it, the circle of "happy" people is very small. This is due to the bone structure of the system and its hostility towards outside entrepreneurs. In addition, your business idea should literally please the decision maker, and this is not easy, all for the same reason as with incubators.

Grants are issued to enterprises that are involved in priority projects for the region, implement socially significant projects, etc. an invitation "on the carpet" to talk about the future plans of your enterprise.

Women's grants

This is a novelty. The state is not ready to distribute a lot of money on its own, and this type of PR activity is very interesting for private companies and large banks. Therefore, it is not uncommon for state-owned companies and some bank under the patronage of, for example, Opora Rossii or Delovaya Rossiya, to implement a training project and give the most promising students a grant.


For two years now, such a project has been implemented, for example, by Opora Rossii, one foreign grid company and a bank. This is a project for the development of women's entrepreneurship "Mama-Entrepreneur". Women with children receive free training from good business coaches and successful businessmen, present their business idea, present a project. The most successful project in the opinion of the jury receives a grant for implementation. In 2017, the amount was equal to 200,000 rubles, in 2018 - 100,000 rubles.

A number of financial measures of state support are represented by cluster development centers and engineering centers, but these organizations are focused on the manufacturing business.
