Business development subsidies are provided in all constituent entities of the Federation, but its size, allocation procedure and requirements for applicants are determined at the regional level. In any case, the main document, after the analysis of which a decision is made, is the business plan, and the main source of information is the local center for the development of entrepreneurship.

It is necessary
- - a package of necessary documents for a subsidy;
- - business plan;
- - the status of an entrepreneur or legal entity;
- - compliance with the requirements for applicants for the subsidy.
Step 1
The center will inform you about what criteria applicants must meet, how much money can be received and on what conditions. For example, the requirements may include a short period from the moment of registration of an individual entrepreneur or a company (usually 1-2 years), staying in the past at an employment center (through this organization, you can also receive a subsidy for starting a business), completion of a course in the basics entrepreneurship, the founders of the company have a local residence permit, the availability of their own funds to finance the future project, etc.
The maximum size of the subsidy, depending on the region, ranges from 200 thousand to 400 thousand rubles.
Step 2
The main argument in favor of providing a subsidy will be the business plan you submitted. At the Center for Entrepreneurship Development, you can be advised a short-term training course for this skill, they will also advise you, on a paid basis, but for little money. In some regions, you can find suggestions for writing this document for you. It is better to do everything yourself, seeking advice if necessary.
Step 3
Show the finished business plan to the center consultant. If he has any comments, make adjustments. And so on until the document evokes not a single criticism.
You submit a business plan and other necessary documents to the Entrepreneurship Development Center or directly to the regional department of economic development. In some cases, it may be necessary to personally attend the discussion and protect the project, demonstrate products, etc.