Outwardly, the procedure for buying and selling shares may seem quite simple, but in reality it is quite difficult to learn how to trade on the stock exchange. After all, you need to take into account all the risks and be able to be very good, and most importantly, sell unnecessary assets on time.

Step 1
If you have a stake and want to sell it, take your time. This must be done very carefully. So, for example, if you immediately "throw" all the securities you have on the market, then the prices of your shares will instantly fall. And this means that an extremely unfavorable situation will develop for you. True, if you start selling a couple of securities at a time, then you will be able to complete this procedure only after a few days or even weeks (if you have a lot of shares).
Step 2
To sell your stock more profitably, find someone who will be the “other side in the market”. He should be as interested in buying your shares as you are in selling them. In this case, you can immediately "dump" the entire package without any financial loss for yourself. In order to find such a person, you need to establish contacts with various institutions. The only limitation is that they must somehow correlate with the industry of the firm in which you own shares. Through these connections, you just can find the person who will buy all your assets.
Step 3
Do not pretend from the outset that all your trades will be very profitable. When trading on the stock exchange, you need to be able to lose sometimes. Set yourself not a short-term goal, work for the future. For example, to get the minimum you need from trading for a calendar year. Only in this case will you be able to conduct your transactions with a positive result.
Step 4
In order to sell stocks successfully, you need to have a "flair". If you feel that you lack it a little, then you can involve third parties in the sales process. Usually they are brokers or brokers. They are always aware of all matters, they know where and when it is better to "dump" your papers. You don't have to meet with them in person to discuss trading. All questions can be easily resolved by phone. You can call your authorized person at any time and find out from him all the information about the state of the exchange, the value of your shares, and the activity of buyers.