More and more citizens of Russia and abroad are interested in what will happen to the dollar in the near future in relation to the ruble. Will its rate rise so much that a serious crisis will begin in the country, and residents will experience tangible financial problems? In fact, experts predict a rather favorable outcome in the current situation.

Today, no economist or political scientist can predict with precision what will happen to the dollar in the near future. At the moment, the change in the exchange rate of the dollar against the ruble is quite strongly influenced by changes in world prices for oil, the sale of which brings tangible replenishment to the treasury of the Russian Federation. Experts are unanimous in one opinion: today it is no longer enough to be a major oil producer to keep the lead in the world economic arena. The rate of oil production around the world is growing. Serious players are emerging - countries (mainly from the Middle East) that “throw” large flows of available “black gold” onto the market. In turn, this leads to an intense speculative game on stock exchanges and a significant jump in the dollar against the ruble.
The Bank of Russia is rather cold about the growing depreciation of the ruble and the growth of the dollar. The country's economy is strongly linked to Western sectors, and economic sanctions from the United States and a number of other countries continue to operate and thereby contribute to maintaining a floating exchange rate. According to the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina, the government has options for resolving difficult situations, so even if the oil market continues to lose value, the economy will not decline in the country in any case.
As in late 2014 - early 2015, the mood of society influences the dollar situation. The authorities are warning people not to panic and start actively stocking up on Western currency. In the near future, such strong leaps in the exchange rate, as before, are no longer expected, therefore, from the frivolity of citizens, both their own budget and the behavior of various enterprises that have chosen the western course of financing will suffer. It is also not recommended to actively buy up expensive electronic and automotive equipment, precious metals and currencies. During the instability of the ruble and the "reign" of the dollar, one should have a larger amount of the Russian currency in reserves, stabilizing its stability.
Thus, in 2016 and subsequent years, an increase in Russia's influence on the economy and politics of Western countries is predicted. Despite the cheapening of oil, the Russian Federation should remain the most advanced and largest producer and supplier. It is expected that there will be a strengthening of relations with the United States and the EU countries, which will provide an upturn in many economic areas. New laws will be adopted in favor of the well-being of Russian citizens.