You can live abroad and work remotely as a webmaster, photographer, instructor. There are special sites offering jobs to foreigners. This makes it possible to receive a salary in the currency of the country of residence. You can also work on Russian sites using e-wallets and international payment systems.

When choosing a country for emigration, Russians choose those where it is easiest to move. In different states, the procedure for obtaining citizenship is different, it requires time and money. Therefore, for many, the only way to earn income is freelancing.
Where to begin?
Decide in which area you would like to try yourself. If you have the Internet at your fingertips, you should first look in its vastness for information about different methods of a remote site. While abroad, you can easily master a new business in your native language.
The only difficulty that may arise is the withdrawal of funds. Optimal use of e-wallets and Internet banking. They can be actively exploited regardless of your location. Wallets WebMoney, PayPal are often used.
Remote work abroad
For those who are fluent in a foreign language, you can use special services that offer remote work directly in the host country. There are several popular internet portals:
- Working Nomads. Most of the projects are related to the implementation of a daily or weekly mailing.
- We Work Remotely. The site offers jobs from companies that are exclusively interested in freelancers.
- Upwork. The service is intended for web designers, copywriters, marketers and programmers.
The advantage of working with foreign employers is that you receive your salary in the national currency of the host country. There is no need to think about the conversion issue. All that remains is to get a bank card at any bank working with foreigners.
Freelance subtleties
If you decide to try yourself in the field of copywriting, here you will have to adapt to new requirements. Calculations of the text are made not for 1000 characters, but for the number of words. It should be borne in mind that the competition in this direction is today high in all countries. Therefore, just knowing a foreign language to perform various tasks and write texts is not enough.
When choosing a profession as a photographer, hairdresser or instructor, you should start by creating and promoting your own website. Then you should visit and register on the forums. Try to advertise to different sources as much as possible. These professions are suitable for those who do not plan to constantly travel or move from place to place.
In addition, a Russian-speaking population can be found in almost any city. This can be done using the same forums. In this case, you will receive support and practical advice regarding taxes, withdrawal of funds and other subtleties.