Foreign trips are always new sensations and impressions. Distracted by them, people often lose vigilance, and with it they can lose things, including documents, tickets and money. Of course, it is difficult to recover from such a blow, but it is at this moment that you need to show composure and turn on your head. Despondency in such a situation is a poor helper, as well as convulsive, erratic actions.

Now about what you need to do in the first place, finding yourself in a similar story. It's not hard to guess, so that everything that is listed in the title does not disappear at once, it is better to keep these things in different places.
But even if this happened, the actions for each loss are somewhat different. Therefore, they need to be considered separately.
Missing ticket
There are no problems with an electronically purchased ticket. You can print it from the mail, or you can come to the registration desk without it at all, all the data is in the database. With a ticket bought at the office, the situation is somewhat more complicated. To restore his form, you will have to pay a monetary fine for the loss of the ticket.
By the way, if he disappeared not half an hour before the flight, then you need to issue a duplicate ticket immediately after discovering the loss, which can take from several hours to several days.
Loss of money
Of course, everything is much more complicated here. It is extremely disappointing for those who can make up for the loss, and disastrous for those who spent all their free money on the trip. But this is the age of plastic cards, and this simplifies a lot.
Yes, if cash is lost, most likely, you can mentally say goodbye to it. There is still a chance that you will remember about the places where you could have left your wallet or purse, in reputable establishments they will certainly be returned, but it is highly likely that they were banally stolen.
If plastic bank cards disappeared along with the cash, then the very first action should be a call to the bank in order to block the accounts. The expression "Time is money" was invented for this case as well, because attackers who have taken possession of someone else's bank card, first of all, will try to use it somehow.
What to do next? There are several options here. The simplest decision is to be made by those who can make up for their financial losses with the help of relatives, a simple bank transfer, etc. They just need to decide for themselves whether they want to get involved with the police bureaucracy or not.
Well, for those who cannot return home without money on their own, the first thing to do is to go to the police station.
Many people who have heard somewhere that if any problems arise, they must immediately run to the consulate of their country, in this case they will be wrong.
The fact is that the consulate will require an officially recorded proof of a difficult situation, and this can only be done through a police protocol. A person from the street cannot come to the consulate, complain about the loss of money and ask for help.
By the way, the consulate does not provide direct financial assistance. The first thing they do there is looking for those in their homeland who can send money. They are looking for relatives or acquaintances, they turn to employers.
In especially critical cases, they make a request to their department for material assistance, but most often this turns out to be ineffectual. There are cases when consular employees sent compatriots home at their own expense, hoping for their decency, but this is not a system.
Going abroad, you need to leave a cash reserve, which can be used in a critical situation.
Missing documents
The case is the most difficult, but not fatal. If in hot pursuit it was not possible to find the lost documents on your own, then you need to immediately contact the nearest police station, where you write a statement about the loss or theft of documents.
Only then you can contact the consulate, where you will need to show a certificate issued by the police, fill out the necessary form, which will go home from the consulate for the necessary confirmations.
After these confirmations come, the consulate will issue a temporary identity card, the so-called certificate of return, with which it will be possible to cross the border.