Money transfers are a fairly young service that, despite a short period of time on the service market, was able to gain great popularity among consumers around the world. After all, it is the transfer that is a convenient solution that allows the client to quickly and reliably transfer money to any place.

The scheme for sending a money transfer is quite simple and accessible, however, in some cases, despite the openness of the procedure, the payment may be lost.
Electronic control
Banks that provide money transfer services try to minimize the likelihood of loss of payment. For this, special electronic programs with unique identification codes are used, which make it possible to record the movement of funds. Such measures are aimed at monitoring the entire money transfer process and help to solve problems that may be associated with errors in identification data, and also allow the risks of loss of payments to be minimized.
Meet the deadline requirement
However, if, nevertheless, such a situation has occurred, and the transfer has gone missing, the bank's client must independently search for it. First of all, it is necessary to determine the conditions under which the client's requirements for the search for a transfer will be justified and fulfilled by the bank. The submission of the demand is made in case of exceeding the declared term of the payment by the bank.
It should be borne in mind that the terms may vary, therefore, even during the processing of the transfer, it is necessary to clarify the maximum delivery time of the payment.
In addition, the search for a payment can be started even before the stated period is considered passed. This may be due to incorrect identification data. In both cases, the receipt for sending the payment will serve as the basis for filing the claim. In the absence of this document, the recipient client should understand that the chances of accepting his request are reduced to zero.
Store documents
If you have a check for making a transfer, you should contact the banking institution that provided this service. There it is necessary to draw up an application for the search for payment.
An application for search for a transfer can be submitted by the sender, addressee, or a legal representative of one of them.
Usually, the search time takes no more than a month, which is stipulated in the regulatory document. During this period, the translation must be found and transferred either to the addressee or the sender. It is also worth knowing that if, as a result of the loss of payment, the client incurred any losses, then he has the right to file a claim with a banking institution, which will set out a claim for compensation for the damage caused.
Do not forget that the application must be submitted within a strictly specified timeframe from the date of non-delivery of money, since if this is done later, the service representative has the right to refuse.