Almost every manager faces a similar problem. Indeed, in the absence of the owner, the business must continue to develop and operate effectively.

First you need to carry out preparatory work. Moreover, it is necessary to start preparing from the moment of opening the enterprise. The basis for further remote management will be responsible deputies, precise instructions, modern electronic means of communication and control. Moreover, each manager must master the technique of video conferencing and network communication.
Competently selected managers will help to cope with the activities of the organization in the absence of bosses. The best option would be an employee who fully supports the owner's methods and principles of work. Moreover, the rest of the staff will accept a person from the team much faster.
For this reason, the work of a manager from another firm may become less effective. With this option, various feuds and conflicts can begin in the organization.
The elected deputy is obliged to solve the assigned tasks and to develop the company according to the chosen strategy. The main thing here is the result of the work, not the methods of achieving it.
First of all, you should make accurate recommendations for subordinates. That is, each employee must be aware of their obligations and quickly fulfill them. In addition, a contingency plan is drawn up. Here it is worth leaving room for personal initiative.
It is necessary to bring orders to the attention of each subordinate. A system of testing and rewarding for learning and following directions can be developed.
There are many different tools that allow you to monitor and analyze employee activities. This approach will allow the calculation of operating costs and key performance ratios.
Collecting information on-the-fly enables the manager to solve urgent problems remotely. That is, he can follow the development of the business and react quickly in case of problems.
Effective remote control requires a separation of power and responsibilities. Indeed, in growing organizations, the owner is considered the main strategist. Moreover, assistants should deal with the settlement of difficult situations.