How To Learn To Make An Estimate

How To Learn To Make An Estimate
How To Learn To Make An Estimate

Table of contents:


Estimated documentation is a separate design stage, which consists of object estimates, local estimates, summary estimate calculation and other calculations. In order to learn how to make an estimate, it is necessary to study the estimated standards, draw up a work plan and follow a certain procedure for developing documentation.

How to learn to make an estimate
How to learn to make an estimate


Step 1

Examine the estimated standards. Collections of unit prices are presented in state elementary estimate rates, which are divided into industry (OEP), territorial (TEP) and federal (FER). The last base contains prices for the types of work performed on the territory of the Russian Federation. The TEP regulatory framework consists of unit prices related to local construction conditions, and OEP refers to specialized types of construction. In addition, the estimated standards are divided into corporate and individual ones.

Step 2

Decide on the regulatory framework that is suitable for this design and will be used in budgeting. Select a typical calculation related to the preparation of estimate documentation. This choice determines what percentage of overhead costs and the estimated profit from the wage bill will be applied.

Step 3

Draw up the structure of the estimate documentation. Determine how much object estimates and other calculations will be contained in the summary estimate calculation. Calculate the number of local estimates and their sections that are included in each object estimate.

Step 4

Start marking your work. In order to correctly perform this stage of work, it is necessary to study all the information about the work performed: their volumes, conditions of execution, resources used and their characteristics, material consumption rates, composition of work, geometric characteristics, and so on.

Step 5

Select the appropriate price and assign the conversion indices to the current prices for it, as well as determine the memory coefficients and correction indices that correspond to the specifics of the work conditions. Add resources to the estimate that are not included in the quote.

Step 6

Prepare the estimate documentation in accordance with the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, which establish certain forms for the selected regulatory frameworks.
