What To Do If The Husband Does Not Give Money For The Child

What To Do If The Husband Does Not Give Money For The Child
What To Do If The Husband Does Not Give Money For The Child

No matter how much they say that with a cute paradise in a hut, when it comes to finances, the situation changes significantly. Especially when the husband refuses to help the child with money.

What to do if the husband does not give money for the child
What to do if the husband does not give money for the child

Situations when the husband does not give his wife the means to support the child are quite common. For some reason, with the birth of a child, some fathers think that the baby at first, except for the mother by his side, does not need anything. Unfortunately, over time, this opinion is only gaining strength. And a woman often has to decide the issue of financial support for her child herself.

To understand why a man refuses help for a child, it may be worth going back in time. If in his family the father did not help the mother, did not give the salary, then, most likely, the spouse is simply following the example he saw earlier.

Also, a man may believe that while his wife is on maternity leave, she simply does not need money: after all, she does not go anywhere, and, accordingly, does not need anything. Therefore, it does not cost her to allocate anything from the family budget. In this case, try to explain to your husband that the child, in addition to breastfeeding, needs diapers, food, hygiene products, medicines, food. Ask him to purchase everything you need. Perhaps, having understood how much all these things cost, he will understand everything himself.

The situation can change positively if the father is more actively involved in the upbringing of the child: to take him to the kindergarten, school, to circles and see what funds are needed for.

If the husband simply does not trust his wife with money, fearing that she will spend it on the wrong side, you can try to entrust him with the purchase of food and other goods necessary for housekeeping, having previously compiled the most complete list. Perhaps after that he himself will offer money to his second half, just not to go shopping.

If neither these methods nor persuasion help, then it is worth going to court with a statement of claim to recover child support from the spouse. According to the law, a woman can demand alimony for minor children even if she is legally married to the defendant and lives with him. To do this, it is enough to submit a statement of claim to the court, in which the circumstances and requirements of the plaintiff should be stated. As a rule, this is not difficult. It is not necessary to describe in the claim all the moments of family life and the reasons why the spouse refuses to support the child: it is enough to use a standard sample of the application. The application must be accompanied by copies of parents' passports, copies of birth certificates (child) of children, a certificate of family composition at the place of residence.

If the spouses are legally married or were in it at the time of the birth of the child, the wife (including the former) has the right to file a claim for the collection of funds not only for the maintenance of the child, but also for their own - until the child turns three of the year. The amount of these funds can be indicated as a fixed amount or expressed as a percentage.

However, it is possible to collect funds for a child from a common-law spouse, if he is appropriately recognized by his father (entered in the birth certificate).

The law is always on the side of the child. Therefore, if the biological father does not want to help the child, his mother can file a lawsuit to establish paternity (if the father refuses to voluntarily recognize the child) and to conduct a genetic examination. Based on the DNA results, the court will make an appropriate decision. Including the appointment of child support. As a rule, according to a court ruling, alimony is awarded until the child reaches the age of majority.

Well, and, of course, if the father is unwilling to provide for the child, the woman should not give up. On the contrary, in such cases, the weaker sex, protecting their children, becomes very strong. You can try to earn the money itself. Women find a way out of such situations even on maternity leave, for example, they can work by doing handicrafts. Hand Made items are highly valued and always in demand. These can be various souvenirs, original decorated gifts. There are also many ways to make money on the Internet, for example, by writing articles for websites, proofreading text, filling a website and other types of remote work. At home, you can offer hairdressing, manicure, nail extensions and many more. There would be a desire.

And it is better not to allow such situations when a woman is completely financially dependent on a man. Especially if the woman is unemployed (many of the fair sex believe that the spouse must fully provide for the family). It is best to immediately stipulate all possible points and look in advance for ways to solve possible problems.
