There is still a whole week until the paycheck, and the last two hundred rubles are yearning in the wallet … Where did the money go? You didn't buy anything special! Rent, gasoline, food, a couple of times we sat in a cafe with a friend, and a few days ago we had to urgently buy new shoes. Familiar situation? How to be, how to learn how to save money?

Shopaholism or lack of assembly?
Don't know how to properly allocate your budget? There are several reasons for this. There are many of us who cannot live a day without going shopping. And there is such a temptation! Before going to the boutique, you didn't even know that you needed some kind of blouses and trousers, you could easily do without them. But they saw - and fell in love. We get cash urgently! But not enough, we will pay off with a credit card, not the first time.
Shopaholics' apartment is like a museum. A pile of dishes that are never used, mountains of cosmetics that expire before they decide to use them for their intended purpose, figurines, animal figurines, plush toys - the list goes on and on. Shopaholics enthusiastically buy up everything that comes to hand, for them things have no practical meaning. I bought it - I was glad. If I didn't buy it, I borrowed money and ran to the shops again.
Tell yourself stop. Precisely today and now. Look around - why do you need all this? For the momentary joy of a dubious purchase? Imagine that by giving up useless spending, you can save up for a vacation in a couple of months. But rest will bring you much more positive emotions than a hundredth lipstick in a row.
But there are people who do not suffer from shopaholism, but money is still not enough. Spend only on the essentials! Believe me, this is far from the case. Start writing down all your expenses and literally in a week you will realize with amazement that you have purchased nonsense, but you have forgotten about utility bills … Lack of collection and negligence are the main enemies of the family budget.
The economy must be economical
So, you are determined to save. The main thing here is not to overdo it - to eat exclusively oatmeal and walk in the winter and summer in the same trousers, collecting a pretty penny in a tight stocking - a clear overkill.
Where to begin? We are mastering a new profession and starting to do home bookkeeping. Create a notebook where you will enter data every day. In a separate column, enter the income of all family members - salary, benefits, scholarships, dividends. Next, immediately plan out the mandatory expenses that you cannot do without. For example, utility bills, travel expenses, payment for kindergarten or school, loan payments.
The remainder is daily expenses, food, household needs. And already the amount that remains at the very end will go to unforeseen expenses - medicines, urgent repairs; for entertainment, and in the piggy bank, for example. By the way, about unforeseen expenses. It's good if you have a stash - unforeseen expenses are called so because you don't plan them, but they come. Try to save 10% from each paycheck to a separate account. Not significant for the budget, but the benefits are obvious.
There is another option for the forgetful - special budget planners who will take everything into account and calculate themselves. There are a lot of such programs on the Internet, they can be downloaded to your computer or filled online after registering on the site. For owners of iPhones and smartphones, there are convenient mobile versions of home accounting.
How to save money: little tricks
Install meters for water, gas - utility bills will decrease. Trivial, but true advice - do not forget to turn off the light, disconnect from the charging network from mobile phones - this way you will save on electricity. Pay attention to the tariff plan of your mobile operator - maybe it is worth changing to a more profitable one?
Second-hand and flea markets - yes, yes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes you can find absolutely luxurious things there at a ridiculous price. If you are planning to buy an item that you need for a short time, maybe take a look at the free classifieds site and buy it hand-held? For example, a walker or a highchair for a baby. This will significantly save the family budget.
Lunch break at work - colleagues go to a cafe, and you are out of habit with them. And if you bring lunch from home, you can use the saved funds to dine in a restaurant every week.
Of course, the above recommendations will not allow you to get rich dramatically, but following them, you can get much more for the same money. And in conclusion, I want to note - an increase in income often helps to reduce costs! Invest in yourself, in your education, study - and you will certainly succeed.