It is difficult to find a person who does not have regular problems with planning the family financial budget. However, planning a budget is necessary if you want to maintain material stability, wealth and well-being in your family. In addition, the right budget planning technique will allow you to allocate money for the main, and only then for the secondary expenses.

Step 1
Keep track of expenses and income - this will help you understand where money is going in your family and track how much money you spend every month on really important things, and how much money is spent on unnecessary expenses.
Step 2
Install on your computer a program for automatic accounting of expenses and incomes according to the data you entered. Each day, enter into the program how much money you spent and for what.
Step 3
Evaluate your property in terms of solvency, as well as in terms of cost. Identify which items of your personal possessions generate more expenses than income, and consider selling or renting them, especially if they are of no use to you.
Step 4
Determine how much money you regularly spend on debt, loans, and similar financial obligations. Try to pay off all debts as quickly as possible.
Step 5
Distribute your income to different expense items. Form one item of expenses as necessary expenses - rent, utilities, insurance, transport, food, hygiene and clothing items, and so on.
Step 6
Identify hobbies and entertainment as the next item of expenditure. Learn to keep track of your expenses and develop priorities - the same amount of money, if necessary, needs to be spent on mandatory expenses.
Step 7
Place your financial reserves correctly. You can make a long-term bank deposit of 10-20% of your income to accumulate interest and invest money. In this case, you need a reliable and inflation-protected bank.