Financial matters are not only pleasant chores. Very often, money spoils relations not only between friends, but also between family and friends. Recently, the following question has become especially relevant: can a wife not pay her husband's debts.

Step 1
If a woman does not want to pay her man's debts, she needs to take care of her financial well-being in advance. Before the wedding, conclude a marriage contract with your husband, in which you clearly state the conditions and distribution of income and expenses in your family. This document will help in controversial cases to defend their innocence and refuse unplanned spending for other people's debts.
Step 2
If the husband is guilty of any administrative or criminal violation, the punishment for which should be confiscation of property, the wife still has a chance not to give her things as payment for the man's debts. According to Article 45 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, collection is imposed only on the property of the debtor. The only exception is the following: if there is not enough property of the defendant to pay off the debt, the plaintiffs may request to allocate a part of the share belonging to the whole family as a whole, which would go to the debtor in the event of a divorce. For the remainder of the debt, the law permits the wife not to pay her husband's debt obligations.
Step 3
It happens that a spouse is registered at an address different from the registration address of his wife, and the tenants of that apartment do not pay for utilities. Debts are growing, they are divided by the number of all registered people in a given living space, after which a writ of execution is sent to your husband demanding the payment of his part of the debt. So that this situation does not repeat itself, it is not necessary to allocate funds from the family budget to pay off other people's debts, the man needs to be discharged from the problem living space.
Step 4
If a man took out a loan, and then either does not pay it off, or disappears altogether, the wife is also not obliged to pay the debt to the credit institution for it. True, this only works if she can prove that she did not know at all that her husband borrowed from the bank, or that he spent the money alone and only for his own needs. As evidence, testimony is suitable, the absence of a clearly large number of new things, pieces of furniture, equipment, etc.
Step 5
It is a fairly common practice when, in the event of the death of a spouse, not only material benefits, but also his debts are inherited by his wife. You can not pay debts for a man only if you give up the inheritance.