Sometimes in dysfunctional families a kind of problem arises: the husband wants to get a bank loan for personal needs, thereby risking to involve himself and his wife in financial difficulties. It will be better if the woman takes the situation into her own hands and begins to act according to the circumstances.

Is it possible to prohibit my husband from taking a loan
According to Russian law, a married man and a woman share their property equally. This also applies to funds (family budget) and debt obligations. The debt community is formed according to criteria such as:
- registration of a loan by mutual agreement;
- awareness of both husband and wife about obtaining a loan;
- the direction of the loan to meet general family needs.
Thus, it is believed that if a husband visits a bank to apply for a loan, his spouse is already aware of these plans, so her intervention in the further process is not required. This means that the discussion of any transactions with personal property should be carried out in advance, and not at the stage of the transaction.
First of all, you need to talk to your husband in a relaxed atmosphere. Ask for what purpose he needs a loan. If a man is worried about the financial situation of the whole family or certain relatives, and getting a loan is the only way to provide them with all possible assistance, it may be worth agreeing with this step and just discuss in what order the debt to the bank will be repaid.
It happens that a man wants to take out a loan or get a credit card for personal purposes, for example, to cover an existing debt to another bank or to acquire any property for himself. If you think that in the future your spouse will not be able to properly fulfill financial obligations to the bank, try to convince him of this. Tell him about the difficulties faced by a person with a large debt: the constant search for money to pay off interest, family and work conflicts, and even the seizure of property if the loan is not paid on time. Perhaps this will help him come to his senses and refuse what he wants.
If the man still insists that he needs to get a loan, try to offer him a different solution to the problem that has arisen. For example, temporarily provide him with the necessary financial support or involve other relatives and friends for this. It may well be that such help will suit the husband more than getting a bank loan on unfavorable terms.
Additional ways to solve the problem
If your spouse refuses to use other ways to solve financial problems, try to be as involved as possible in the transaction process. Visit the bank with a man, learn more about the terms of the loan, and try talking to representatives of the organization. To approve a loan in the right amount, it is necessary to meet a large number of requirements set by the bank. The participation of the wife and her words may raise doubts among the employees of the organization, and as a result, the loan will be refused.
If the previous actions did not have the desired effect, offer yourself as a borrower. On the one hand, this will still lead to the appearance of debt obligations, but, on the other hand, you will be able to more responsibly dispose of the amount received and pay off the loan on time, without worrying about the fate of your husband.
Remember that banks have employees who are sympathetic to customer problems. Try to write a statement addressed to the head of the department your husband is going to contact. State in it a request to refuse to issue a loan to your husband, giving arguments against it. If a man is a drinker or has an unreliable job, be sure to report it. The management of banks is not obliged to accommodate the relatives of potential borrowers, however, it can still take into account the facts stated and conduct additional checks.
In an extreme situation, when a loan cannot be avoided, and you are sure that this will result in significant financial difficulties for the whole family, it remains only to apply for a divorce at the registry office in advance. Such a step can settle down a man who does not want to lose his family, or free you from further assistance in repaying a loan issued to a husband. If the loan is received after the divorce, it will completely fall on the shoulders of the man.