When filling out a loan application form, you are required to enter personal data, contact addresses and phone numbers, information about income and its sources and other information at the discretion of the bank. The set of questions in the questionnaire varies depending on the credit institution. The initial application can often be submitted through the bank's website, but usually a paper form is required afterwards.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - one of the additional documents (passport, driver's license, TIN assignment certificate, PFR certificate number, military ID, etc.);
- - a pen or computer with internet access.
Step 1
If you fill out an application for a loan directly at the bank or at its representative in a shopping center, home appliance store, car dealership, etc., you will be offered a paper form. An online application form is often available on the bank's website.
The set of documents depends on the specific credit institution. But your passport and another document of your choice from those offered by the bank will definitely appear: a passport, a military ID, a driver's license, a certificate of assignment of a TIN, an insurance certificate of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and others.
Step 2
If the bank, in addition to your direct contacts (work, home and mobile numbers, addresses of registration, work and actual residence, e-mail), requires additional contacts (for example, the phones of your relatives), this is a reason to think about whether it is worth contacting him.
Most likely, you plan to fulfill your obligations and are confident that it will work out. But there is never a 100% guarantee. And the question arises whether people who do not bear any responsibility for your obligations need contacts with bank representatives and whether you have the right to distribute other people's personal data to the right and left, protected, by the way, by federal law.
Step 3
Pay special attention to the section on income and how to confirm it. Even if the bank trusts the borrower at his word, indicate the amounts that you can confirm. Most of all trust, if the income must be documented, is a certificate in the form of 2NDFL from the employer, somewhat less - in a document in the form of a bank.
But other methods of confirmation may be accepted, varying from the policy of a particular bank, the amount and purpose of the loan: a declaration of income, a certificate of regular receipts to a bank account, civil contracts and acts to them, a registration certificate for a car, a visa and a border crossing mark in the passport at one time or another, a certificate of ownership of housing, a voluntary medical insurance policy, sometimes even a business card indicating the position.
Step 4
Some banks provide for a section for expenses, which may include the specific weight in your budget of certain expenses or specific amounts for food, transport, sports, entertainment, housing, payments on other loan products, etc. When filling it out, it is better not to lie.
Step 5
After filling out the paper questionnaire, sign in the right place and give it to the consultant.
If you fill out an online form, most likely, a paper version will be sent to you by mail or offered to fill out when you visit the bank.
In most cases, after the approval of the application, it will also be necessary to sign a loan agreement. If this is not required, there is a reason to be wary. However, in a conflict situation, you have a chance to achieve in court the recognition of the loan agreement, which was not concluded in paper form, null and void.
But in any case, before borrowing from a bank, you should think carefully about whether you need to take on these obligations so much.