If you have made the decision to take out a bank loan, you will certainly have to face the filling out of a credit questionnaire. You need to approach this responsibly, because the granting of a loan depends on how correctly you filled out your questionnaire.

Step 1
Download and print the questionnaire from the site from the appropriate section, taking into account your needs. You can do it here - https://www.sbrf.ru/moscow/ru/person/credits/. You can also get the application form at the Sberbank branch in your city
Step 2
Provide only true information. If the bank finds you in the smallest lie, your chances of getting a loan will decrease. Be careful and fill out the form as fully as possible. Do not forget to indicate expensive property in the appropriate fields of the questionnaire, but remember about the rights to this property, as the bank may require documents confirming your rights. The valuables that belong to your relatives are not your property.
Step 3
Provide as much contact information as possible. Then it will be easier for the bank to check the questionnaire and make a decision on granting a loan.
Step 4
If you have someone who can be your sponsor, please list him as such. This will increase your chances of getting a loan. Also inform your management about your intentions to take out a loan, as the bank may contact your place of work. Agree to submit your loan details to the credit register. For the bank, this will be an additional confirmation of your solvency.
Step 5
After filling out the questionnaire, take it to the Sberbank branch and, attaching the rest of the documents, await the bank's decision.