Today, each enterprise seeks to organize long-term sales of products as the main component of stable profits. For the successful implementation of further production plans, it is necessary to develop strategic planning of the enterprise's activities, which, as a result, is drawn up by a business plan. The main section of a business plan that investors and executives rely on is the financial plan.

Step 1
Start by drawing up a profit and loss statement. This report will be the first paragraph of the company's financial plan. In the income statement, include the projected sales revenues for the next 2 years. It is recommended to draw up the report in the form of a table. The main rows of this table will be such indicators as: revenue from goods sold, cost of goods sold, administrative costs, interest costs, taxes and sales costs. When calculating the cost of goods sold, do not forget to consider items such as: material costs, employee salaries, rent and insurance, depreciation, property taxes and utilities.
Step 2
Reflect your cash flow targets. Cash plan is the second paragraph of the financial plan. This report must be compiled in the form of a table. The report must reflect the monthly plan of income and expenses in the enterprise for 1 year. The plan should include items such as: funds received, sources of capital, salaries, materials, purchased equipment, renovations of premises and administrative costs.
Step 3
Make a forecast balance of assets and liabilities in your company. This balance will be the third paragraph of the financial plan. The balance sheet must include items such as: cash, accounts receivable (accounts receivable), inventories, fixed capital, depreciation, residual value of fixed capital and intangible assets.
Step 4
Prepare a report on fixed assets, which will be the 4th paragraph of the financial plan. Include the cost of plant and office equipment in the report, as well as the dates of purchase of fixed assets, reasons for purchase, depreciation rates and sources of funding.
Step 5
Calculate the indicators of financial performance and reflect their values in the final paragraph of the financial plan. Here it is necessary to reflect the values of such indicators as: return on investment, net profit to proceeds from sales, current liquidity, term of reports to be received, term of reports to be paid, average shelf life of inventory holdings, interest payments, debt-to-equity ratio, etc. …