Financial statements are a set of accounting indicators, which are reflected in the form of tables characterizing the movement of property, liabilities, as well as the financial position of the company for the reporting period. Also, this report includes a schema of data on the financial situation of the organization, the results of its activities, as well as in its changes in financial position. A report is drawn up on the basis of data taken from accounting.
![How to make a financial report How to make a financial report](
Step 1
The preparation of financial statements includes two main stages: preparation of materials and its subsequent preparation and presentation. In preparation for drawing up a financial report, it is necessary to complete all existing accounting transactions that fall at the end of the reporting period, as well as check all financial data that are necessary for reporting.
Step 2
At the same time, when preparing the preparation of financial statements, calculate the taxes payable, take an inventory of the company's property and correct any errors found in the accounting in this period.
Step 3
Prepare financial statements in accordance with the described requirements, as well as in accordance with various methodological departmental guidelines. The financial statements must be submitted on time to all interested bodies, the list of which is also determined by the legislation, while this document must be signed and certified in accordance with all the requirements for paperwork that are applicable to financial statements.
Step 4
The financial statements should include a variety of documents. First of all, the balance sheet. Indeed, this document reflects the financial situation of the enterprise in the reporting period.
Step 5
You can supplement the annual financial statements with an explanatory note. In it, explain the moments of filling out all forms of financial statements, give other required explanations, with the help of which these statements are made more objective and clearer.
Step 6
In turn, in the explanatory note, you can use diagrams, graphs or tables. In the text of the explanatory note, explain the principles of assessing all production inventories of the enterprise, give an analysis of their use, explore ways to fully use the company's potential, as well as improve the qualifications of employees.
Step 7
Attach the income statement to the financial statements. He describes in detail all the financial results of the firm for the reporting period.
Step 8
Include in the reporting also the following reports: on the movement of the company's capital - this document will be able to show how the composition of the company's funds is changing; a statement of the flow of all cash, which will allow you to get an idea of the expenditure of these funds of the company, their receipts and balances.
Step 9
Reflect in the financial statements information about the borrowed funds of the enterprise, its debts and loans.