Despite the fact that now there are a large number of players on the banking services market, Sberbank traditionally remains popular with the population. This bank provides a wide range of services, including loans, issuing plastic cards, and savings deposits - a service popular since Soviet times. But before entrusting your money to the bank, you need to get as much information as possible about what types of deposits exist and under what conditions they are issued.

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - telephone.
Step 1
For preliminary information, go to the official website of the bank. The information you need is contained in the "Individuals" section, in the "Deposits and Accounts" category. By clicking on the indicated category, you will see a menu with various items. The opening of a new deposit includes two of them - "Term deposits" and "Deposits for settlements". Term deposits will primarily interest those who are ready to not withdraw money from the bank for a certain time in order to receive a higher interest rate. Deposits for settlements are suitable for those clients who want to be able to constantly use money, while receiving a minimum interest on the account balance.
Step 2
Choose which of the deposit types suits you best. After that, click on the corresponding icon and you will see a table, which will indicate the name of the deposit, its special conditions, as well as the interest rate in rubles, dollars and euros (if applicable). Thus, you can choose the specific contribution that suits you best.
Step 3
By clicking on the name of the deposit you are interested in, you can see a more detailed description of it - the term of the deposit, the minimum and maximum amount for opening an account, the possibility of prolongation (extension of the deposit), the possibility of replenishing the deposit, conditions of early collection of funds at the request of the client. Also pay attention to such an important point as the capitalization of interest. If it is indicated that interest is calculated at the end of the deposit term, then it will be calculated only on the principal amount of savings. If capitalization is provided, then the resulting interest will be added regularly (for example, once a month) to the principal amount of the deposit, and in the next time period interest will be charged on the already increased deposit amount.
Step 4
Also, when choosing a deposit, you can use the calculator posted on the same page. By specifying the amount, term and type of deposit, you can find out how much money you will receive in the end.
Step 5
If you still have any questions, contact the Sberbank branch in person or call their toll-free number 8-800-555-5550, for Moscow 500-5550 and consult with a bank employee.