The costs incurred by the company in the reporting period and which relate to the future reporting date are reflected in the balance sheet as deferred expenses. How to arrange everything correctly?

It is necessary
- - a computer;
- - calculator.
Step 1
Consider as deferred expenses all costs associated with the development and preparation of a new type of activity, new products, new technological processes; with the repair of fixed assets; subscription to special and periodical literature; rent of fixed assets; purchase of a license and so on.
Step 2
Reflect the accounting for deferred expenses in the balance sheet in account 97. Take into account the costs of the corresponding cost items in the debit part. Open, if necessary, separate analytical accounts for each type of deferred expense. When the future reporting period comes, it is necessary to write off the corresponding deferred expenses from account 97 in the proportion that relates to the current reporting date. In this case, the costs of the main production, general and general production costs are included. Close account 97 before closing accounts 26 "General expenses" and 25 "General expenses".
Step 3
Draw up a Statement of the distribution of deferred expenses in order to write off all expenses from account 97 for expenses of the reporting year. In the Statement, indicate the exact value of the amount of costs of each analytical account and choose the right base for distribution. Determine the cost of deferred expenditure items and distribute them by reporting years to the appropriate accounts for livestock, crop production and industrial production.
Step 4
Write off other types of deferred expenses to the accounts of general and general production costs in accordance with the dates set for writing off these expenses to production costs. If the write-off period is not set, then the company determines it independently. The decision on this is approved by the order and order of the head of the company. Deferred expenses related to rent, telephone and other charges are written off as expenses of the period to which they are paid. The balance that will remain on account 97 indicates the amount of expenses that relate to a future reporting date that has not come.