When The "wolves" Are Full: How To Feed Your Husband And Save On Food

When The "wolves" Are Full: How To Feed Your Husband And Save On Food
When The "wolves" Are Full: How To Feed Your Husband And Save On Food

Not everyone is ready to save money without denying favorite products. And all from the banal inability to plan their own expenses.

When the "wolves" are full: how to feed your husband and save on food
When the "wolves" are full: how to feed your husband and save on food

In order to have money for what you want, you need to learn how to spend it wisely on everyday life. Naturally, the bulk of the hard-earned money is spent on food - it is on it that you should save. But this is not a call to eat "plastic" noodles and brew a tea bag 10 times! You can eat healthy and not very expensive.


Major savings start with smart planning. Therefore, first of all, make your own menu for the week, write it down in detail. This will greatly facilitate cooking, save nerves and free up time for personal affairs. And the money will also make it easier to calculate the budget - you will know exactly how much will remain and where it was spent


A shopping list is another great expense control tool. Unfortunately, not many people use this method. Relying on your memory in stores where marketers have worked and did everything to make you buy more is not easy.

But the list can help out when shopping for the holidays. Surely many were faced with the fact that the unnecessary somehow mysteriously ended up in the basket, and the necessary remained on the shelves. You have to visit the store again - and this is again financial and time costs.


Here's a sample shopping list for the month. It is quite average, but it will fit as a basis for building an individual, focused on the wallet and taste preferences:

  • vegetable and butter;
  • condensed milk, fruit preservation;
  • pasta, cereals, flour;
  • vegetables (cabbage, onions, carrots, potatoes, beets);
  • eggs;
  • spices;
  • nuts, dried fruits;
  • meat fish;
  • biscuits or other favorite pastry for breakfast;
  • cocoa, tea, coffee;
  • soda, vinegar, sugar, salt.

This grocery basket can be stored for quite a long time. With regards to meat and fish, these products can well be kept deep-frozen. Having bought everything you need, you will immediately feel relief - the main headache of all housewives is practically solved! All that remains to be added to the list of expenses is "perishable", which usually includes various milk products.


Semi-finished products should be discarded - they are both expensive and not useful. It's easier to make your own cutlets than to give money for freezing of unknown origin. Chicken should be purchased as a whole carcass, and not separately: one part can be used for soup, the other for main courses, part can be baked in the oven. This will cost less than trays with individual poultry blanks.

For lunch, be sure to prepare first courses. This is not only good for digestion, but also at minimal cost will allow you to feed your family for a few more days.


It's not worth talking about the fact that eating at home is more profitable and tastier than in any public catering. Smart savings on food will not affect your usual diet in any way. This means that it will not make your chosen one look with hungry eyes and complain that he uses only scrambled eggs every day or has not eaten meat for a long time.
