Dependence on loans is not only a real problem, but also a very serious one. The inability to stop on time, borrowing money from banks over and over again, can greatly undermine the family budget, worsen relations with loved ones and, of course, have a bad effect on the psyche.

Signs of loan addiction
A person addicted to loans does not just borrow money - he does it when there is no special need for additional funds, without thinking about whether he will be able to pay off the debt. Such people often develop the position "I want to live well right now and not think about what will happen tomorrow." Even if a person realizes that he will not be able to pay off the loan on time, he still takes the money, counting on chance and postponing the solution to the problem until later.
Credit-addicted people tend to buy things just to cheer them up. At the same time, they constantly use cards with an overdraft limit, thus borrowing money from the bank for any reason. They enjoy using money that they actually don't have. At the same time, people do not want to think about paying off the debt and in every possible way drive this thought away from themselves.
Often, the problem becomes a consequence of the development of another addiction - for example, an addiction to alcohol or gambling. A person borrows more and more money, spending it on "pleasure" and not really imagining how he will repay the debt.
Finally, the scariest sign of credit addiction is that people continue to borrow money from banks even after they have serious debt problems. For example, they return money to one bank by borrowing from another, settle accounts with great difficulty, and then take a loan again for a purchase, which they could do without.
Why addiction to loans appears
Now it is very easy to take out a loan, especially when it comes to a small amount. To do this, it is often not even necessary to collect a large package of documents. Many stores offer quick loans to buy any goods, while indicating both the maturity and the amount of monthly payments, which seem very small. Thanks to this, it is possible, without having enough money, to purchase household appliances, an expensive telephone and even a car. Easy money is a good bait that you can quickly get used to.
Dependence on loans often appears in insecure people who want to appear successful. Buying expensive things and littering with money, they increase their status in the eyes of others. At the same time, the opportunity to take the required amount on credit at any time intoxicates them and gives them a false feeling of permissiveness, complete financial freedom, for which they later have to pay.