How To Block A Credit Card

How To Block A Credit Card
How To Block A Credit Card

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It may happen that you lost your credit card, or, even worse, found that the card was stolen, or maybe the card is with you, but you notice that the money is being debited from the account, which means that it was either cloned or found out your details and pays by card via the Internet. In this case, you need to urgently block the credit card.

How to block a credit card
How to block a credit card

It is necessary

Phone, code word or answer to a security question, bank call-center number


Step 1

Noticing the loss or suspecting something was wrong, take action to block the card immediately. The faster you do everything, the more chances that the funds will survive; it may even be possible to detect the intruder.

Step 2

To block the card, you need to call the help desk of your bank. This number is written on each card, but you lost the card, so you can find out the number either on the website on the Internet, or by going to the nearest branch of your bank and asking for the number there. In order not to waste time, you need to have the phone number of your bank's support service in your address book, as well as in your mobile phone. Many do not think about this measure, but in a critical situation an extra half hour can be decisive for your funds.

Step 3

The bank's support service will ask you for your full name, date of birth, probably your mother's maiden name, a code word or a code question to make sure it is the cardholder who is calling. Otherwise, if all these precautions were not introduced, your card could be blocked by anyone, simply by telling the support service your full name.

Step 4

Some banks that provide Internet banking or mobile banking services also allow you to block your card using these services. If you have just such a bank, log in to the system and find the blocking item in the menu. Then follow the instructions. In this regard, it is impossible to give the same blocking guidelines, since each Internet bank has its own interface. The most universal way is still a call to the call center.

Step 5

After the card has been blocked, you will need to come to the branch of your bank, write there a statement that the card was lost by you, and also fill out a form for issuing a new one. Banks have different tariffs for serving clients in such a situation. One bank will reissue the card for free, while the other will charge it for this operation, comparable to a six-month card service.
