Since January 1, 2007, Russia has a Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation on material support for families with two or more children (provided that the second child and / or subsequent children were born in 2007 and later). Such material assistance was called "maternity (family) capital".

Step 1
The amount of maternity capital is indexed every year. If at the beginning it was 250 thousand rubles, then in 2011 the family will be able to receive 365 698 rubles.
Step 2
The state imposes restrictions on the use of this money. You cannot cash out the amount of the maternity (family) capital certificate received, but you can choose among the directions that are offered by the state on what to spend this amount.
Step 3
There are several such areas: - Contribution to the improvement of housing conditions, if the new housing is located on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- a contribution to the construction or reconstruction of an individual dwelling without the involvement of contractors (note that since August 18, 2011, the restriction on the amount of money that can be invested in this direction has been lifted, and earlier it was possible to use only half of the capital for these purposes);
- contribution to the education of children, provided that the educational institution is located on the territory of the Russian Federation and has an appropriate license to provide educational services;
- contribution to the formation of the funded part of the child's mother's pension;
- mortgage;
- purchase of a car (valid only at the birth of the third and subsequent children born since 2011, and only in Kaliningrad, where the authorities specifically allocate an additional amount for this direction).
Step 4
For the above purposes, in addition to paying off mortgage loans, you can use the certificate after the child is three years old. To repay the mortgage money, the certificate can be used ahead of schedule.
Step 5
To obtain a certificate, submit applications and the necessary documents to the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. You can apply to the pension fund within three years from the date of the birth of your second (or subsequent) child.