Today, some Russian families can take advantage of the opportunity to apply for a monthly child allowance for up to 16 years. This right is enjoyed not only by parents, but also by trustees and guardians.

Not every family can apply for benefits for children under 16. This support measure is aimed at helping low-income families who do not have sufficient income. The monthly income of each family member for the last 3 months cannot exceed the regional cost of living. Other requirements for parents include: cohabitation with children and citizenship of the Russian Federation. The rest of the families that do not meet the specified conditions can apply for an allowance only up to three years (50 rubles).
If the child does not finish school by the age of 16, then the payments are extended until the age of majority. After that, the allowance is not provided, even if he continues his studies.
The living wage is reviewed annually. It is better to clarify it in advance at the local OSZN (department of social protection of the population). So, in Moscow in 2015 it was about 15 thousand rubles.
The amount of the allowance under 16 years old varies in the range from 500 to 1500 rubles. depending on the region (for example, in Moscow - 800 rubles). The indicated amount of money is paid for each of the children on a monthly basis. Regional authorities index the benefits annually.
For certain categories of recipients, an increased amount of benefits is provided. In particular, they are single mothers; mother on condition that the father evades alimony or serves in the army. For them, the amount of aid increases by 50-100%.
The USZN is responsible for issuing the allowance after applying to social protection with the required package of documents confirming income and cohabitation. Payments are assigned for the current month. The right to receive state support must be regularly confirmed.