How To Get A Loan In An Hour

How To Get A Loan In An Hour
How To Get A Loan In An Hour

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Tougher competition has forced banks to shorten the time to make a decision on granting a loan. The scoring system allows you to quickly and objectively assess the borrower and weed out the fraudster, for this one hour is quite enough. The bank is very attentive to every detail, so you shouldn't be surprised if a bank employee asks about the number of floors in the house where you live.

How to get a loan in an hour
How to get a loan in an hour


Step 1

You can get a loan in an hour at most banks, but this only applies to consumer loans. If you want to buy equipment, a car on credit, or get a cash loan, start by choosing a bank. Surely there are several banks not far from the house where you can turn.

Step 2

Visit the nearest bank, read the terms and conditions. Specify the amount of the interest rate for using the loan, the amount of the penalty for each day of delay for an emergency, as well as whether you need to pay a commission for issuing a loan and what package of documents you need. Most often, it is enough to have a passport and an identification code; the age of the potential borrower is usually 21 to 55 or 60 years old. In some cases, a certificate from the current place of work may be required, where the work experience must be at least six months.

Step 3

After familiarizing yourself with the terms of the bank, you will be asked to fill out an application for a loan, where you must specify all the required data. The bank employee will conduct a scoring assessment, which is based on the data indicated in the questionnaire, so carefully fill out each item. Moreover, the level of the interest rate depends on this, because the more the bank is confident in the timely return of borrowed funds, the lower the interest for the use of borrowed funds will be. An ideal borrower for any financial institution is a specialist working in a serious company or in a public service, aged 25 to 40 years, with at least a year of experience.

Step 4

In the event that you previously had the status of a “problem borrower” in one of the banks or currently have outstanding loans, the chances of getting another loan are practically zero.

Step 5

After filling out the application and, possibly, an additional questionnaire, the bank employee sends the documents for consideration. You will receive a positive or negative answer within an hour. Much also depends on the person who accepts the documents - he must be convinced that you plan to pay off the debt in full in due time, otherwise you will simply not be given a loan.

Step 6

Wait for an answer; if it turns out to be negative, contact another bank. In case of a positive answer, you will only have to sign several documents and get a loan.
