Social guarantees and social assistance are useful things. These include, for example, compensation for the burial of a deceased relative. Unfortunately, this help sometimes has to be resorted to. Citizens who have undertaken the burial obligation can apply for the benefit. The granting of benefits is regulated by Articles 8 and 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Burial and Funeral Business" No. 8-FZ of January 12, 1997.

Step 1
In order to receive benefits for close relatives, spouses or other persons who have assumed the responsibilities of burial, it is necessary to obtain a death certificate from the registry office. The certificate can be obtained one day after the person is declared dead, for example, on the basis of a medical report. To do this, you need to contact the civil registration authorities with medical documents confirming the death of a person.
Step 2
The allowance can be received within six months from the date of death of the person. Benefits are accrued within one day from the date of application.
At the same time, the authority where you need to apply to receive benefits depends on the social status of the deceased:
1. To the Pension Fund or other bodies that paid a pension to the deceased if he was a pensioner.
2. To the employer of the deceased or the social insurance organization, if the deceased was insured under compulsory social insurance or was a minor.
3. To the bodies of social protection of the population (RUSZN), if the deceased was not insured under a compulsory social insurance agreement or in the event of the birth of a still child after the expiration of the maximum period for pregnancy and childbirth - 196 days.
4. To the Social Insurance Fund, if on the day of death the deceased was registered with it as an insurant, as well as if one of the parents of the deceased minor is registered there.
Step 3
When applying, you must:
1) write an application for benefits;
2) attach a death certificate and passport;
3) present the work book of the deceased pensioner, if he did not work;
4) attach a certificate from the Fund for Social Protection of the Population that the deceased did not take on compulsory social insurance obligations if the deceased was a private entrepreneur.
Step 4
The maximum burial allowance since 2009 is 4,000 rubles.
Step 5
In addition, you can receive a pension that you did not manage to pay to the deceased if he was a pensioner. This issue is regulated by the Federal Law "On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation" dated December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ. First, you will have to prove the existence of family relations with the deceased or the fact of marriage, and the place of your registration must coincide with the place of registration of the deceased on the day of his death. The lost pension will be included in the inheritance amount.
Six months after the death of the pensioner, you need to contact a notary, who will draw up a written request about the amount of the lost pension to the Office of the Pension Fund of Russia or another body that pays the pension. After that, you need to fill out an application for the issuance of a certificate of the amount of pension.
The received certificate must be returned to the notary, who will draw up a certificate for the right to inheritance.
Apply with the prepared certificate to the Office of the Pension Fund of Russia or another body paying the pension. The certificate must be accompanied by:
1) civil passport;
2) an application for the payment of the lost pension to you, as an heir.