The ability to rent a store greatly simplifies the procedure for registering a premise for its future owner than if he decided to buy it. How and from whom can you rent a store?

Step 1
Register an individual or legal entity with the tax authorities. Only then will you be able to rent non-residential premises for commercial purposes.
Step 2
Use all possible methods when searching for a suitable room. You can rent it from a government or a private individual. The order of registration will differ somewhat.
Step 3
Enter into a lease agreement for non-residential premises with government agencies. Before that, you will have to take part in the auction, which is arranged by the SSUP branch in your city. Submit your application for the auction, enclosing constituent documents, a certificate from the bank about your creditworthiness and a receipt for payment of participation in the auction.
Step 4
After the auction, fill out the documents based on its results (minutes) and pay a deposit, which will subsequently be transferred to the city budget and counted as part of your rent in the last months of the 1st year of employment. The host city of the auction independently submits all documents to the local Property Department, as well as the signed lease agreement. However, you, as the winner of the auction, will subsequently have to complete all paperwork related to the technical and sanitary condition of the premises.
Step 5
Choose a suitable property owned by a private owner. Rental information is published in newspapers and on the Internet. For example. if you go to the site, then you will receive comprehensive information about all non-residential premises that are currently being rented in Moscow
Step 6
Ask the private owner to submit documents proving the purity of the transaction. Conclude a lease agreement with a private owner (negotiate terms separately), make a deposit and fix it in the agreement. Be sure to take a receipt for the money.
Step 7
Register a lease agreement with the Federal Reserve System under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and pay the full amount within the agreed period.