In the modern business model, the situation of building a business "from scratch" for its subsequent resale is widespread. As soon as an open store, cafe, salon begins to generate a stable income, the owner sells it or leases it for a long time. This model is beneficial to both parties, the owner acquires a source of passive income, and the owner (tenant) - a ready-made business without significant material and time costs.

Step 1
To rent out a store, you must draw up an appropriate contract. When drafting it, try to foresee as much as possible possible solutions to various legal issues, as well as potential disputable aspects. The store lease agreement, in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation, is differentiated as a lease agreement for buildings and structures (premises). So, the store is considered to be non-residential premises. In turn, a non-residential premises is a real estate object, which is an integral part of buildings and structures.
Step 2
A store lease agreement is most often bilateral and is concluded between the landlord on the one hand and the store tenant on the other.
Step 3
The landlord, as a rule, is the store owner (sometimes a person specially authorized by the owner). Virtually any legal entity, of course, capable and legally capable, can become a tenant.
Step 4
The shop lease agreement is concluded for a period not less than one year. Such an agreement must go through the state registration of the lease right without fail.
Step 5
In the lease agreement for the store, the parties entering into the agreement and their details must be indicated; data on the property being leased (address, name of the leased object, inventory number, purpose for a store, area, rent).
Step 6
For successful state registration of a lease agreement, it is necessary to attach cadastral passports of both the corresponding building (structure) and the premises itself, indicating the leased area.
Step 7
There are standard (typical) samples of contracts for the lease of non-residential premises, including those used for a store. However, in order to avoid undesirable circumstances for both parties, be sure to show your draft contract to a lawyer.