How To Find Out That The Pension Fund Has Approved The Payment Of Maternity Capital

How To Find Out That The Pension Fund Has Approved The Payment Of Maternity Capital
How To Find Out That The Pension Fund Has Approved The Payment Of Maternity Capital

Maternal family capital (MSC) is not automatically accrued to every Russian woman who has given birth to a second child. The fact is that there are a number of prerequisites for capital registration. The Pension Fund separately considers the application from each family, after which it makes a decision. But how does mom know if the issuance of capital is approved?

How to find out that the pension fund has approved the payment of maternity capital
How to find out that the pension fund has approved the payment of maternity capital

The pension fund will write itself

Recall that a mother must apply to the Pension Fund at least twice. First, she receives a security certificate for maternity capital. And when a family needs to use the money to buy a house or for other purposes, the owner of the certificate brings an application to the fund for the disposal of the MSC.

In any case, the Pension Fund itself informs the applicant of its decision. Mandatory in writing and signed by the person in charge. The notification is delivered by mail.

Documents for issuing a certificate or for disposing of capital funds are often submitted through the MFC. In this case, the answer from the Pension Fund will come there. You can find out about its receipt:

  • by phone;
  • on the official website of the MFC branch of your region. For this, the registration number of the application is used, which is indicated in the receipt of receipt of documents;
  • through the MFC mobile application;
  • using a QR code in the receipt of documents;
  • via SMS notifications.

Please note that not all of these services may be available in your area.

How long should I wait

So, you have submitted an application and documents for a certificate to the Pension Fund. A month will be checked whether everything is correct and whether the information is correct. If everything is ok, the decision will be positive.

Within the next five days, the Pension Fund will send a letter of its decision to your place of residence (or to the MFC). If approved, you will be invited to receive the security.

The Pension Fund adheres to the same deadlines when considering applications for the disposal of the capital. This should be taken into account in plans for spending funds.

For example, if you have a deal to buy a home, you expect to pay part of the amount in capital directly to the seller. Whether they will give money at all, you will find out only in a month. If the decision is positive, the money will be transferred within two months. Specify in advance whether the seller is ready for such conditions.

If you were refused

When your situation meets all the requirements for issuing MSCs, you shouldn't worry too much. The main thing is to properly prepare all the necessary documents. And they can refuse extradition only in serious cases:

  • the mother or second child does not have Russian citizenship;
  • mom lost her parental rights;
  • the mother has committed a crime against the identity of the child or children;
  • the adoption or adoption of a child has been canceled;
  • incorrect information was found in the documents about the order of birth of children, the dates of their appearance.

When considering applications for the use of MSC funds, there are additional reasons due to which the Pension Fund may refuse. For example, when buying a home with capital money, it is important to comply with the requirements for the property. If you want to pay for the child's education - the requirements for the educational institution.

If you believe that the Pension Fund has refused inappropriately, you should appeal the decision. To do this, contact the higher authority of the PFR - for example, the regional branch of the fund. Another option is to go to court.

Online information

If you have already received a certificate for mother capital, then you can check the information about its amount on the Pension Fund website. To do this, they start a personal account. Through it, it is easy to find out if the transfer you need has been made and how much money is left.

For example, let's say you want to spend 420,000 of your family capital to pay off your mortgage. You applied to the Pension Fund and after a while you see that the remainder of your mother capital has decreased by these 420 thousand. That is, the fund transferred the money to the bank, and your loan became smaller.

To get access to such a service, you must first register on the "Gosuslugi" website. After that, create a personal account on the Pension Fund website.

Through the PFR website, you can also request a written statement on the amount of the balance of your mother capital. The certificate will be ready in three working days. For paper you need to come to the department of the fund.
