How To Find Out If A Loan Has Been Approved

How To Find Out If A Loan Has Been Approved
How To Find Out If A Loan Has Been Approved

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When applying for a loan, borrowers are not always provided with funds immediately, since lenders need time to check the client's data and find out his solvency. If there is no answer for a long time, you can try to find out on your own the decision on issuing a loan.


Step 1

Study carefully the loan agreement, a copy of which was given to you. It usually contains information about how long it takes for the lender to reach a verdict. Most often, the specified period does not exceed 7-10 days, so for a start it is better to wait a little. Specialists should independently contact you as soon as they consider the application. The modern way of announcing a decision on a loan is to send an SMS message or an e-mail, so periodically check your inbox.

Step 2

Call the phone number specified in the contract. For example, due to the large queue of clients and applications, the bank is not always able to call the borrower on time and inform its decision. Also, there are times when the application is lost, and you simply will not be contacted if you do not remind about yourself again. If you have not filled out any applications and do not have documents on hand, study the information on the lender's website.

Step 3

When applying for a loan for a product in a store, you will learn about the bank's decision from the specialist who is engaged in the transaction. The bank's decision will go to its computer approximately 15 minutes after the request. If you submitted an application via the Internet, make sure that there were no failures in the system. Call the bank and ask if your request has been received.

Step 4

In some cases, bank employees are simply not in a hurry to call back those who have not been approved for a loan, so as not to waste their working time. In case of unreasonable refusal to obtain a loan or unwillingness of bank employees to communicate with you, call the institution's free hotline and submit your claim. Technical support representatives can help you find out the situation on the loan bypassing the institution where you applied for.
