If stored improperly, dried fruits can deteriorate very quickly: mold will appear on the delicacy, it will acquire an unpleasant odor, darken, and rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to ensure optimal conditions for storing stocks, as well as check their safety from time to time.

Step 1
Determine if the dried fruit is dry enough. Take a few dried slices or fruit in your hand and squeeze. If the pieces are crumpled into a lump, then they still need to be dried. If the slices fall into the palm of your hand when you unclench your fist, they are already ready for long-term storage. It is advisable to skim through all the slices and remove those that are still poorly dried. Otherwise, there is a great risk that one or two pieces or fruits, on which mold will inevitably appear, will spoil the entire stock.
Step 2
Choose the right packaging for the amount of dried fruit. If you need to store a large supply, opt for sealed plastic bags. Another option is to use metal or wooden boxes, the bottom and sides of which are covered with polyethylene. If there are very few dried fruits, glass and tin cans are more suitable. One way or another, whichever option you choose, remember that there should be no slots or holes in the containers through which insects can penetrate.
Step 3
Remember that if you are making a mixture of different dried fruits, you will need to first "equalize" their moisture content. To do this, the fruits are kept in one container for 3-5 days, and then left in direct sunlight for several hours. Only then can the mixture be transferred to bags or jars.
Step 4
Find a suitable place to store your dried fruit. The best option is a room with a temperature of about + 10o and a low level of humidity. If there is no such place in your house, put containers with dried fruits in a dark cabinet and put an open jar of salt next to it. The salt will absorb moisture and help prevent mold or bad odors.
Step 5
Arrange the dried fruits in calico bags, previously soaked in salt water and thoroughly dried. It is useful to add dry mint to the slices as well. Hang or fold the calico bags in a cool, dry, dark place and store them. This method allows you to store dried fruits for a long time without fear that they will go bad.
Step 6
Inspect dried fruit containers regularly. Insect larvae may appear on the folds, folds of polyethylene, in the corners of the boxes. If you notice them, immediately remove the dried fruits from the container and transfer to another place, and thoroughly clean the surfaces of larvae. If it so happens that insects are already in the dried fruit, you can try to save your supplies by roasting the dried fruit in direct sunlight or keeping them in the freezer for several hours.