There are enough problems in working with shops. They are overflowing with goods. The managers refer to the fact that nothing is needed. To sell a product to a store, it is necessary to offer not only the product, but something more: better service than competitors, the best solution to working moments. It is important to convince the client that they will not be wasting their time by starting work with you.

Step 1
Understand an important point: with each new supplier, the store gets new problems. The experience of previous mistakes on the part of suppliers makes store managers wary of new offers. Therefore, the sale of a product consists of 2 parts: first, you "sell yourself" as a reliable business partner, then you sell the product. Understanding this nuance will help you see the situation from the point of view of the other side and find the right words when negotiating.
Step 2
Go to the store to find out the problems of potential partners. Forget about your product. Tell them that you are going to work in this market, but now you have come to find out what problems the store faces when working with suppliers. Listen to what was said and promise that you will come when you can offer solutions to these problems.
Step 3
Reflect on the past conversation. Find weaknesses in the work of competitors, based on what was said to you. Develop a store service scheme that outperforms other vendors' offerings. Consider how you can best show this difference to store management.
Step 4
Re-negotiate. Until you talk about the product. It's about how comfortable the buyer will be in working with your company.
Step 5
Receive your first purchase order. It may be small because you will be tested in action. Agree on a minimum order quantity for the future.